Culminating Project Program Funds Application


MFA TVFT in Acting Content Creation Writing

Application for Program Funds for Culminating Project

Review the approved List of Reimbursement Items, before submitting this application.

Live Performance, Digital Projects, Script Reading, Multimedia, Other, etc.

There is a maximum of $500.00 per student.  

The MFA program will evaluate if expenses can be reimbursed before awarding funds.

Please list below you estimated expenses - items you wish to have reimbursed or ordered through the program.  You may provide estimates if that is all you have at this time.  Any reimbursement will be for final costs as shown on receipts/invoices.

Maximum $500.00

Below, list the item, vendor and amount to be reimbursed.

Example: Dinosaur costume rental, Western Costumes, $80.00

You may estimate costs - award will be for amount on receipts turned in.