Research Scholarship Creative Activity Reopening Protocols

Research Scholarship Creative Activity (RSCA) Reopening Protocols
Download the protocol for reference only
The application will be submitted electronically via DocuSign
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is available for all personnel.

The RSCA approval process involves five steps:

  1. Complete all required safety training

  2. Complete the RSCA Reopening Application

  3. Send documents to College RSCA Review Committee

  4. Request a Safety Site Assessment
    Note: Faculty/PI need to submit an Infrequent Campus Visit application, 72 hours to three business days in advance, to complete the Safety SIte Assessment on campus

  5. Submit RSCA Reopening Application material via DocuSign

  6. The application process is complete when the Faculty/PI receives an email from DocuSign alerting them the president signed the application.



This document describes considerations for the restoration of Research Scholarship Creative Activity (“RSCA”), taking place in labs and studios during phases of the COVID-19 pandemic. Reopening considerations will be different for individual labs or studios. Each lab or studio must have an approved safety and reoccupation plan. Approval authority is: Risk Management, Environmental, Health & Safety (RM/EHS). A copy of all approved plans will be provided to the Vice President of Administration and Finance.

RM/EHS and Facilities Management will need a list of buildings/rooms that are designated for reopening.

The objectives of this plan:

  • Achieve an orderly and safe restart for RSCA facilities on campus.
  • Minimize staff exposure to potential COVID-19 cases to the maximum extent possible.
  • Restore all RSCA on campus as soon as reasonably (safely) possible.
  • Prepare for possible Phase change back to a more restrictive Phase. Please see Attachment A: CSU Guidance for 2020-21 Academic Year Planning in the Context of COVID-19.

Faculty/PI will submit the RSCA Reopening Application on behalf of students, assuming the student meets the guidelines in place. Please note that Colleges may have additional forms or requirements, so the Faculty/PI should communicate with their Associate Dean prior to submitting the application for further clarification.

Do the following to start the RSCA approval process:

  1. Complete all required safety training.
  2. Complete the RSCA Reopening Application and the Rationale Form.
  3. Send training certificates, RSCA Reopening Application, and Rationale Form to your College RSCA Review Committee. (NOTE: Your College may have additional forms that may need to be submitted along with the aforementioned items. Please reach out to your College Associate Dean for more information.)
    The College RSCA Review Committee will be formed by the deans. PI's should contact their college associate dean for information related to submission deadlines and college priorities/guidelines.
    Once the College RSCA Review Committee approves your application, you may proceed with Step 4.
  4. Request a Safety Site Assessment: The Faculty/PI member will schedule a Safety Site Assessment by sending an email to Please attach the RSCA Reopening Application, Rationale Form, and email from the College Review Committee Chair that stipulates the application has been approved. A Safety Site Assessment will be confirmed with RM/EHS and Facilities Services within 2-3 business days upon receipt of the email request. RM/EHS's Safety Site Assessment review of the RSCA will include the building's total occupancy impact. Due to building occupancy, RSCA may be subject to recommended changes in scheduling based on day, start time and end time for each day, start date and end date, and the number of participants.

    a. Prior to the Safety Site Assessment, the requestor should review and follow the Safety Site Assessment Guidance that identifies what is needed to prepare and comply with the required information identified in the Safety Site Assessment Form.

    b. Participate in the COVID-19: Safety Site Assessment at your lab or studio with RM/EHS and Facilities Services personnel. Upon completion and proof of compliance during the Safety Site Assessment, RMEHS will complete the COVID-19: Safety Site Assessment Checklist form via DocuSign. Once this form has been signed by all parties, the requestor will receive an electronic copy with approval signatures.
  5. Submit RSCA Reopening Application, Rationale Form, approved Safety Site Assessment Checklist, and training certificates for signature approval via DocuSign.

  6. The Faculty/PI will receive an email from DocuSign alerting them that the president has signed the RSCA Application and the process is now complete. [Note: Please be sure to check your junk email folder.]

Questions: Contact your College Associate Dean

The following shall be completed for lab or studio reopening consideration:

  1. Completion of the COVID-19 Safety Training on CSU Learn. All RSCA applicants, including faculty, staff and students, who will be accessing lab or studio space shall complete the RM/EHS COVID-19 Safety Online Course.
  2. Completion of the required annual Lab Safety or Shop Safety training on CSU Learn, (this applies only if annual renewal has not been completed).
  3. Completion of the required annual Lab or Studio Hazard Assessment for the lab or studio space, (this applies only if annual renewal has not been completed). The PI or faculty for the assigned lab or studio shall complete the lab or studio hazard assessment on the RM/EHS webpage.

NOTE: A copy of the certificate of completion shall be provided to RM/EHS during the RSCA Safety Site Assessment. Proof of completion must be submitted as part of the application. Retain a copy of your certificate of completion for future submissions.

The RSCA Reopening Application and the Rationale Form are to be completed electronically.

The application should be delivered to your College RSCA Review Committee via email. This committee will be formed by the deans. PI's should contact their college associate dean for information related to submission deadlines and college priorities/guidelines.

  1. Send training certificates, RSCA Reopening Application, Rationale Form to your College RSCA Review Committee via email. (NOTE: Your College may have additional forms that may need to be submitted along with the aforementioned items. Please reach out to your College Associate Dean for more information.)

Once the College Committee approves the application, the faculty will request a Safety Site Assessment. The Faculty/PI member will need to submit an Infrequent Campus Visit Application to come to campus on the day of your scheduled Safety Site Assessment.

  1. Request a COVID-19: RSCA Safety Site Assessment by sending an email to Please attach the RSCA Reopening Application, Rationale Form, and email from the College Review Committee Chair that stipulates the application has been approved. A Safety Site Assessment will be confirmed with RM/EHS and Facilities Services within 2-3 business days upon receipt of the email request. RM/EHS's Safety Site Assessment review of the RSCA will include the building's total occupancy impact. Due to building occupancy, RSCA may be subject to recommended changes in scheduling based on day, start time and end time for each day, start date and end date, and the number of participants.

a. Prior to the Safety Site Assessment, the requestor should review and follow the Safety Site Assessment Guidance that identifies what is needed to prepare and comply with the required information identified in the Safety Site Assessment Form.

b. Participate in the COVID-19: Safety Site Assessment at your lab or studio with RM/EHS and Facilities Services personnel. Upon completion and proof of compliance during the Safety Site Assessment, RMEHS will complete the COVID-19: Safety Site Assessment Checklist form via DocuSign. Once this form has been signed by all parties, the requestor will receive an electronic copy with approval signature.

3. Submit the RSCA Reopening Application, Rationale Form, COVID-19 Safety training certificates, and approved COVID-19: RSCA Safety SIte Assessment Checklist via DocuSign. If your College has additional forms, then please upload those as well.

The Faculty/PI will receive an email from DocuSign alerting them that the president has signed the RSCA Application and the process is now complete. [Note: Please be sure to check your junk email folder.]

All lab or studios shall have COVID-19 information signs that will be conspiciously placed on outside doors and in common areas for all to see. (See Attachments D & E)

Attachment D: Authorized Personnel Only Sign
Attachment E: COVID-19 Safety Site