Significations 2015



The English Department and the English Graduate Student Association at California State University, Los Angeles will host its annual graduate studies conference, Significations, on April 24, 2015 from 8:30am-5pm in the University Student Union on the Cal State LA campus. Significations explores various fields of inquiry including literature, linguistics, composition and rhetoric, creative writing, cultural studies, critical theory, film, gender studies, philosophy, the social sciences and visual & performing arts. This year we are celebrating our 20th anniversary with our theme “Generation(s).”

Please feel welcome to contact us at We appreciate your time and support as a faculty member and look forward to receiving papers from Cal State Los Angeles!

Portrait Photo of Jennifer Doyle About the Speaker

This year's keynote speaker is Dr. Jennifer Doyle. Dr. Jennifer Doyle received her Ph.D. from Duke University and teaches in the English Department at UC Riverside. Her most recent book, Campus Sex/Campus Security will be published with Semiotext(e)’s interventions series this coming fall. In 2013, she published Hold It Against Me: Difficulty and Emotion in Contemporary Art (Duke University Press), which explores the idea of difficulty in art, ideologies of emotion, and how emotion circulates in and around art in flows that are directed by histories both personal and political. Her current project, Art v Sport, uses art to explore the raced and gendered structures of sports structures. She has been blogging about sports since 2007 (at From a Left Wing, and more recently, The Sport Spectacle). Her writing on sports has appeared in The New York Times, The Guardian,, Deadspin as well as in Social Text, Cabinet, and World Literature Today.

Her talk is entitled “Campus Security and the Vulnerable Body.” Dr. Doyle uses recent work by Nao Bustamante to explore the relationship between the vulnerable body and the discourse of campus security.