Fighting Back! A Satirical Dive into the Rise of Fascism in America.
Directed by Tanya Kane-Parry
March 9 - 11, 15 - 18 at 7:30pm
March 12 at 2:30pm
Location: King Hall Studio 1
It's deja vu all over again – from the Tiki Torches of Charlottesville to the maniacal rants of Marjorie Taylor-Greene. Projections of farcical social media posts mixed with collages of controversial news encompass the audience in this provocative production.
This production includes a collaboration between the Departments of Theatre and Dance and TV, Film and Media Studies, with faculty and students working alongside professional guest media designers. Every performance will be followed by a talk-back session moderated by Cal State LA faculty members from a range of backgrounds and departments. This production serves as a "wake-up call" to the attacks on our individual and communal rights and liberties in hopes of inspiring engagement and activism.
Guest faculty moderators for post-performance discussions:
- Thursday March 9: TBD
- Friday, March 10: Randee Trabitz, Director of the MFA in TVFT program (and alumna!), faculty for Dept. of Theatre and Dance
- Saturday, March 11: Kamran Afary, Professor in the Department of Communication Studies
- Sunday, March 12: Dr. Carolyn Dunn, Assistant Professor in the Department of Theatre and Dance
- Wednesday, March 15: PROFE ANITA TIJERINA REVILLA, PHD, Professor & Chair, Department of Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies
- Thursday, March 16: Dr. David Olsen, Chair, Communication Studies
- Friday, March 17: Fanshen Cox, alumni of the MFA in TVFT program, currently teaching for Television, Film, and Media Studies
- Saturday, March 18: Prof. Julie Patel Liss, Assistant Professor of Journalism in the Department of Television, Film, and Media Studies

Meet the Director: Tanya Kane-Parry
Tanya Kane-Parry: Director/choreographer in theatre, opera, and dance. Artistic Director of Opera del Espacio. Full-time faculty in the Department of Theatre and Dance since 2001. Teaches acting, dance, Viewpoints, devising theatre and more. Credits include: I’ve Fallen/Clap Off! at Highways Performance Space; The Way Of Water at Cal State LA, Bootleg Theatre, Cal Poly Pomona, Hollywood Fringe and South Coast Rep’s SCRamble; Meet Me @ Metro II and III ; Space: The Final Frontier presented at SOSE Company Creation Festival; Private in Public at SoCal Dance Invitational Concert and World Dance Alliance-Americas in Honolulu; Triple [Inter]sect dance concert at Highways Performance Space; multiple site-specific performances - desert ruins at Llano del Rio, Downtown Art Walk, Brewery Art Walk, Echo Park Art Walk, The Series at the Standard. Additional credits include productions at Long Beach Opera, LA Phil, Festival Opera, Opera Omaha, Houston Grand Opera, Washington National Opera, Los Angeles Opera, Canadian Opera Company, Liceo Opera (Barcelona), National Opera of Bordeaux and Angels Vocal Arts. Most recent project was created collaboratively with students in the Department: Dreaming of Our Future/Soñando de Nuestro Future, a live-streamed performance centered on the challenges and terrorization of immigrants in the US. Tanya has lived and worked in Spain, France, the former Soviet Union, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, and Japan. She is fluent in Spanish and French and conversational in Russian and just spent the past 3 months volunteering in Poland and Ukraine supporting the Ukrainian refugees and orphaned pets suffering due to the Russian invasion.