Ma Ledi Ham Loot

It is with great pride and pleasure we introduce you to Ma Ledi Ham Loot, who has been spearheading fundraising efforts to help the healthcare workers on the front lines of her home country, The Philippines, during this COVID-19 crisis. Many of you may know her has Ledi, but for those of you who do not, Ledi is one of our international students in the CBE, completing a Master of Science in Healthcare Management and an MBA. She is also a registered nurse in the Philippines with her Master's in Nursing.

Due to a shortage of personal protective equipment in her country, they found a way to help her former colleagues in Nursing by providing them with the equipment they needed. Ledi has worked tirelessly with designers, seamstresses, and nonprofit organizations there to create hazmat suits. In hopes of boosting the healthcare providers’ morale during this crisis, Ledi and her team specifically made the hazmat suits colorful and aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.

This is only one of her community outreach projects in the Philippines. Even before the pandemic, Ledi had been running several fundraising efforts and projects. She founded Project Pens and Cherubs when she moved to the US to study. This is a yearly project that raises money for over 250 children in the Philippines. They provide school supplies for children living in poor villages. A few months ago, she was featured in a local newspaper in the Province of Iloilo for her fundraising efforts in support of the local hospital during the Dengue Outbreak. Ledi’s efforts inspired many other individuals and organizations to help too, even though she is physically here in the United States.

Ledi recently passed her Nursing Board Exam in the United States. As an active student leader, Ledi has consistently impressed us with her accomplishments in and outside the college. She serves as a Graduate Academic Senator for ASI and as Chief Governance and Public Relations Officer for the Healthcare Leadership Association (HLA). She has been involved in several committees on campus and continuously advocates for our graduate students.

If you want to know more about her, you may contact her at