Program Faculty

Elina Saeki Profile Picture

Elina Saeki, Ph.D., NCSP
Associate Professor, Program Coordinator
Office: King Hall A2041

  • Research Interests: Teacher well-being, high-stakes testing, school climate, school consultation to support at-risk youth, systems-level change, training in school psychology
  • Courses Taught: School-Based Consultation; Assessment of Social and Behavioral Disorders; Ethics, Law and Professional Issues in Counseling; Practicum and Internship Supervision; Assessment in Counseling; Individual Counseling Strategies


Dr. Kezia Gopaul-Knights profile picture

Kezia Gopaul-Knights, Ph.D., NCSP
Assistant Professor, Fieldwork Coordinator
Office: King Hall A2042   

  • Research Interests: Discipline and parenting practices among minority populations; kindergarten readiness; predictors of academic success in children and adolescents
  • Courses Taught: Individual Counseling Strategies; Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in School Psychology; School-Wide Applied Behavior Analysis; Supervised Field Experience in School Psychology; Research in Counseling


Nicole Garcia headshot

Nicole Garcia, Ph.D., NCSP
Full Time Lecturer
Office: King Hall A2041 

  • Research Interests: Social-emotional and behavioral interventions; reading difficulties in English language learners; multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS); culturally responsive practices
  • Courses Taught: Principles of Research and Program Evaluation in Counseling; School Wide Applied Behavior Analysis; School-Based Consultation; Assessment in Counseling; Seminar in School Psychology; Assessment and Case Study Techniques; Supervised Field Experience in School Psychology


  • Ronica Senores, Ph.D. NCSP, BCBA
  • Dolores Mata, M.S.
  • Jose Fonseca, M.S.