Your success is our priority!

Welcome to Early Academic Preparation! Our mission is to support students during their transition from high school to the university. We provide student and academic support in QR/English through peer engagement and timely support.


Our Programs & Services

The Early Assessment Program (EAP) is used by the CSU in English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics to determine a student's Early Assessment Program status.  In the spring of their high school junior year, students take the CAASPP English Language Arts/Literacy, and math exams, also referred to as SBAC.

Summer is a perfect opportunity for incoming first year students to enroll and earn college credit in math or an English course before the fall semester! Classes are interactive and designed to connect students with peers, faculty, and the campus while giving them a head start! Participation is based on CSU multiple measures.

Every incoming student is part of First Year Connections! Our goal is to ensure students make meaningful connections and are supported as they complete their math and English in their first year.

(Temporarily discontinued) We offer testing services for students at Cal State LA and the surrounding community. We aim to provide a comfortable testing environment, appropriate accommodations, and practice professional testing standards.

Undergraduate Students: The following list courses serve to satisfy the Upper Division Writing Requirement and if passed with a grade of C or better, will satisfy the CSU Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR).  Please note that a grade of C- will not satisfy the GWAR.  Students who earn a grade of C- or lower on the GWAR course for their major will need to repeat the course or take a different GWAR course.  Courses are discipline specific and may not serve as good alternatives for students who are not in that discipline. 

List of Approved GWAR Undergraduate Courses

Graduate Students: Policy states that International Graduate Students who graduate from universities where English is NOT the primary language of instruction and do not meet other exemptions (41+ on the CBEST or 4+ on the GRE/GMAT) must take one of the following Graduate Writing Assessment Requirement (GWRA) courses:

List of Approved GWAR Graduate courses


For any questions regarding the GWAR, you can email us at

Contact Us

We are located in Library North Room 1034 (next to Cafe 47)

Email us at