Industrial Technology and Graphic Communication Program Projects 2021

alternating yellow and gray blocks

IND TECH & GR COMM Presentation Schedule

MON • MAY 3 and THU • MAY 6
5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

3D Holograph Table Adobe Applications and YouTube Success for Beginners
Mask Making Machines RC Helium Mini Cargo Airship
AeroGardening Set for Family   ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Manual

Contact Program Coordinator: Paul Liu, Ph.D.

alternating yellow and gray blocks

Industrial Technology Program 

3D Holograph Table
Sponsor: Department of Technology, Cal State LA

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Paul Liu
Students: Jesse R. Monarrez (Captain), Eric Chen (Videographer/Video editor) Westly Chiu (Writer/ Editor) Jason Diep (Writer/ Editor) Anthony Garcia Martinez (CAD/ Designer/Builder) Paola Gomez-Meza (Designer/Engineer) Giovanni Reynoza Pimentel (Co-Captain/CAD Designer) Aaron Valbuena (Designer/ Business/Marketing)

Creating a Hologram Table usually requires two devices, an image displayed on each side of a 4-sided prism and a multi-sided optical lens. Using another device, such as an iPad, can help reveal the necessary sides of that model. Using the multi-sided optical lens to reflect the model into the prism placed on top of the iPad creates a solid-looking hologram within the prism. What we wanted to do with our Hologram Table was to flip the position of the prism. Usually, the prism is positioned where the point is facing upwards, and the hologram is displayed within the prism; however, if we were to flip this position, it will increase the overall size of the hologram and would also project the hologram outside of the prism, above the dome and projecting a 3D hologram.  There will be mirrors to help reflect the image around and into the resin prism, so the hologram ends up above the table on a glass dome. The main goal of this Design is to see the hologram projection from any side of the table. This technology's primary limitations are the viewing angles and some screen for the image to be on. With the glass dome, it will be unobtrusive to the surrounding environment. The top acrylic sheet is an essential piece to the housing since it is transparent and readily available.

Mask Making Machines
Sponsor: Department of Technology, Cal State LA

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Paul Liu
Students: Ivan Espinoza (Lead Designer), Rudy Supulveda (Co-Designer), Ryan Graham (Team Leader), Brenden Galindo (Marketing), Brian Chang (Lead Researcher), Jorge Rodriguez (Cost & Material), Kevin Do (Research & Design), and Jeffrey Castrejon-Garcia (Co-Designer)

We are designing and creating two different mask-making machines made from particleboard and including all materials needed to make either surgical or cloth masks. The need for masks inspired our designs in impoverished countries during the Covid-19 pandemic. Our group has designed, created, and built two different manual mask-making machines that will be available for purchase. Our design can be very useful for any age group.

AeroGardening Set for Family
Sponsor: Department of Technology, Cal State LA

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Paul Liu
Students: Roger Villanueva (Team Lead), Manuel Garcia (Lead Designer), Erick Najera (Co-Designer), Alejandro Castro (Lead Researcher), Alex Sosa (Co-Researcher), Beverly Copado (Cost & Material), Katie Macias (Marketing & Cost), Marina Arrieta (Video Production)

Tasked to design an Aero-Garden that requires an alternative growing means to the traditional soil. Our team decided to go with a vertical fence post tower that holds four different types of vegetables (tomatoes, kale, lettuce, and cucumber). Each vertical tower has the capability to hold a total of 16 plant pots distributed evenly throughout the assembly. The Hydroponic unit uses a submersible pump connected to a water hose that moves the water (with plant solution) from the holding tank upwards to an 8-port drip manifold. Water then drizzles to each of the 16 plant pots roots internally; meanwhile, an artificial light source provides light nutrients externally.

With this form of gardening, it is predicted to grow indoor plants all year round like herbs, vegetables, and some fruits and make it easy to grow your own food at home. The tower garden is a system used to grow plants that facilitate fast growth. Soil is not being used during the process of growing plants. Therefore, there is less amount of energy and water being used during this growth pattern. With this method of growing, our design is structured to help cultivate the roots in the soil, which cancel out any negative and possibilities of growing unwanted infections on our plants like pests. Watching the germination process using our tower garden is a big way to help control the growing process of our plants all year round, which helps us harvest as often possible to feed a family of four all year round.

RC Helium Mini Cargo Airship
Sponsor: Department of Technology, Cal State LA

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Paul Liu
Students: Jared Aguila (Test Lead), David Reyes (Lead Researcher), Anna Maria (Data Coordinator), Hector Arroyo (Functional Lead), Donovan Ayala (Co-Designer), Jaime Andavazo (Collaborative Solutions), Raul Lopez (Lead Designer), Gabriel Silva (Co-Designer), Michael Caballero (Cost & Materials), Mario Mancia (Marketing & Cost), Alejandra Salgado (Team Leader)

This project outlines the design, theory, calculations, and fabrication of an RC (Radio Controlled) airship to transport cargo across rural areas inaccessible to other forms of transport such as locomotives, four-wheeled gasoline vehicles, and fixed-wing aircraft. We are designing a cargo airship that is going to be using helium to make the airship buoyant. With a budget of $300, the core of this project is to design an airship that can lift and carry a minimum payload of at least five pounds of metal cargo, travel a minimum distance of 400 yards, and be radio-controlled with the ability to land safely.

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Manual
Sponsor: Department of Technology, Cal State LA

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Paul Liu
Students: Lawrence Ner, Nydia Lopez (Team Lead), Michael Hancock, Daniela Sanchez, Dorian Hernandez, Ignacio Romero, Cornelius Brown, Karin Garcia, Edgar Perez

Tasked to create ISO 9001:2015 Manuals for several businesses. These manuals will act as a quality management system for the company in accordance with the standards laid out by ISO, the Organization of International Standards. The companies that we are working with are Roshi, Target, and L3 Harris. Being the smallest of the three companies, Roshi does not have an existing QMS, and thus we must create one from scratch. With Target, our team decided to create a QMS focusing on improving customer experience and guest relations. Finally, with L3 Harris, we were tasked to review and revise their existing QMS and make sure it meets the qualifications of ISO 9001:2015.


Graphic Communication Program

Adobe Applications and YouTube Success for Beginners
Sponsor: Department of Technology, Cal State LA

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Paul Liu
Students: Julio Juarez (Team Leader), Stephanie Gutierrez, Timothy Ko, Alexis Garcia, Erick Borgen, Vana Akhverdyan, Daisy Crenshaw, George Fernandez, Edwin Carreto

The purpose of our final project was for all of us to create and realize a YouTube Channel. Each team member selected an Adobe Suite program to create three-to-five-minute videos on how to use the Adobe Suite. In total, our final product will have 20 videos per student on the software we chose in the Adobe suite. Our results for Spring 2021 include more proficient and interesting videos compared to the start of Fall 2021.