Internship experiences

Internship experiences by the students of ECST

V. Morales Internship experience at RTX Corporation

    1. Preparation
      • Heard about the internship through a university Discord channel
      • Prepared by fixing up resume with help from a mentor
      • Attended a career fair workshop to learn tips and recommendations
      • Reviewed technical skills by watching YouTube videos on the way to the career fair
    2. Career Fair Strategy
      • Started with a less desirable booth to get rid of nervousness
      • Went to as many booths as possible to gain experience and improve chances
      • Ended up getting a position on the spot from a hiring manager
    3. Project Description
      • Built a radar with a team, consisting of hardware and software components
      • Worked with RF components, antennas, and PCBs
      • Used Python and MATLAB for programming and data analysis
      • Presented live readings of the radar using MATLAB and recorded data using Python
    4. Benefits
      • Received a return offer from Raytheon for full-time work after graduation
      • Attended more career fairs and received additional offers from Northrop Grumman and Cummings Company
      • Gained valuable experience and skills in the field, helping to stand out in the job market
    1. Met senior engineer in the art department, a super awesome dude
      • Learned a lot from him and other co-workers
      • Met alumni from Casa La who was working in the same department
      • Small world, opened up many doors
    2. Knowledge Expansion
      • Learned about radars, oscilloscopes, RF components, and software
      • Got to learn Python, can now put it on resume
      • Helps fellow classmates with interviews and resume building
    3. Encouragement
      • Encourages others to apply for internships regardless of GPA or qualifications
      • Shares personal experience of getting offer despite low GPA
      • Emphasizes the importance of taking advantage of resources at school to prepare for interviews and career fairs

    1. Internship Experience
      • Tasked with performing voltage calculations and power flow calculations to ensure up-to-date maps
      • Gained technical skills, including proficiency in power flow calculation tools and GIS software
      • Networked with many engineers and gained knowledge of power distribution and engineering principles
    2. Challenges Faced
      • Learning the rigorous software used by engineers
      • Communication challenges in a fast-paced environment with multiple ongoing projects
      • Balancing learning new skills and keeping up with the department's workload
    1. Technical Skills
      • Gained an understanding of voltage distribution and power flow calculations
      • Familiarity with industry-standard software and tools
      • Practical application of engineering principles in a real-world setting
    2. Networking and Professional Development
      • Built relationships with experienced engineers and professionals in the field
      • Gained insight into the inner workings of a large corporation and the engineering industry
      • Enhanced communication and teamwork skills through collaboration with colleagues
    1. Career Goals
      • Aspires to continue working at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
      • Seeks to expand knowledge and skills in power engineering and distribution
      • Hopes to contribute to the department's mission of providing reliable and efficient power to the city
    2. Personal Growth
      • Developed a stronger work ethic and dedication to learning
      • Improved communication and interpersonal skills
      • Gained a deeper appreciation for the importance of power distribution and engineering in society

    1. Preparation
      • Attended the SWE conference and career fair to network with companies
      • Improved resume and interview skills to increase chances of getting hired
      • Prepared for technical interviews by brushing up on electrical engineering concepts and practicing with the STAR method
    2. Technical Work at Northrop Grumman
      • Worked in the ground systems development department at Northrop Grumman Space Park
      • Verified functionality of custom digital PCBs through hardware and software testing
      • Used proprietary software to control custom PCBs and performed troubleshooting of I2C lines
      • Wrote Pyon scripts to automate debugging and testing and created detailed procedures for future reference
    3. Relation to Curriculum
      • Technical aspects of the internship align with computer engineering specialization
      • FBGA work relates to E 4480 (Advanced Digital Design)
      • IT debugging and Python coding related to embedded systems classes (E 4450, Embedded Architectures)
      • Proprietary software used relates to E 4400 (Data Communications and Networking)
    1. Professional Work Environment
      • Experienced a laid-back and helpful work environment
      • Managers and leads were approachable and helped set goals
      • Had own projects to work on, allowing for self-sufficiency
    2. Networking and Learning
      • Networked with experienced engineers
      • Saw concepts from class and Baja being applied in a professional setting
      • Improved communication skills by asking for help when needed


  1. Preparation for the Internship
    • Reviewed notes from Circuit Analysis to memorize basic equations for electrical engineering.
    • Prepared for the interview by practicing answers to common questions.
  2. Internship Tasks and Responsibilities
    • Worked on building circuits and testing equipment using AC power source and converting AC to DC.
    • Created electric control enclosures, cable drawings, and PCB boards using SolidWorks, NX, LTM, Microsoft VCO, and AutoCAD.
    • Troubleshot equipment and used tools such as a multimeter, oscilloscope, and probes to measure voltage, resistance, and current flow.
  3. Skills and Knowledge Gained
    • Learned to use software programs such as SolidWorks, NX, LTM, Microsoft VCO, and AutoCAD.
    • Gained experience in troubleshooting and testing equipment.
    • Developed skills in leading technicians to rework cables and equipment at test bed venues.
  4. Relation to E Curriculum and Specialty
    • Internship was related to E curriculum in circuit analysis and power engineering.
    • Gained knowledge in power engineering by working with AC power sources and converting AC to DC.

    1. Utilizing Handshake Application
      • Handshake application was a useful resource for finding internship opportunities
      • Handshake application made it easy and convenient to apply to internships
      • Recommend using other resources such as LinkedIn and checking email regularly for internship opportunities
    2. Preparing for Internship
      • Reviewed fundamental engineering classes such as circuit analysis, electronics, digital engineering, and analog communication systems
      • Conducted light research on the responsibilities of a compliance engineer
      • Prepared for internship by discussing with professors and doing research on the company
    1. Responsibilities as an Intern
      • Conducted electrical immunity tests on Exron products
      • Applied knowledge from analog communication course in radiated immunity test
      • Worked with product design engineers when products were not functioning properly
    2. Benefits of Internship
      • Gained real-world industry experience working with different engineers
      • Developed hands-on experience in a lab environment with electrical measuring devices and test equipment
      • Improved communication skills and time management skills

    1. Utilizing Resources
      • Cal State LA's email updates on internship opportunities, research opportunities, and full-time opportunities
      • Utilizing the Cal State LA's Handshake profile to apply for job postings
      • Attending conferences to find job opportunities
    2. Preparing for the Interview Process
      • Researching the company and the interviewer on LinkedIn
      • Understanding the company's current projects and goals
      • Preparing answers to behavioral questions and technical questions related to your specialization
    3. Understanding the Company's Culture and Values
      • Asking questions to the interviewer to learn more about the company's culture and values
      • Understanding the company's mission and vision
      • Researching the company's history and past projects
    4. Demystifying the Company's Image
      • Understanding the company's true values and goals
      • Researching the company's reputation and feedback from past employees
      • Comparing the company's image with the reality of working there
    5. Relevancy to Component Engineering
      • Understanding the importance of component engineering in the company's overall design and planning process
      • Learning about the capabilities of different components and their relevance to the company's projects
      • Applying knowledge gained from component engineering courses to real-world scenarios
    6. Learning New Skills and Software
      • Learning industry-level software and tools
      • Understanding why certain methodologies and simulations are performed in a specific way
      • Applying knowledge gained from electrical engineering courses to real-world scenarios
    1. Internship
      • Provides hands-on experience in a professional setting
      • Allows for networking opportunities with professionals in the field
      • Offers the chance to learn and adapt to new software and technologies
      • Helps to develop communication and teamwork skills
      • Can lead to job offers and career advancement opportunities
    2. Networking
      • Building relationships with colleagues and managers
      • Learning about company culture and values
      • Gaining insight into industry trends and best practices
      • Finding mentors and role models
      • Collaborating with others on projects
    3. Professional Development
      • Improving communication and teamwork skills
      • Learning to work effectively in a diverse and inclusive environment
      • Developing leadership and mentoring skills
      • Understanding the importance of time management and prioritization
      • Gaining experience in project management and coordination
    4. Technical Skills
      • Familiarity with industry-standard software and tools
      • Understanding of engineering principles and concepts
      • Ability to analyze and interpret data
      • Knowledge of safety protocols and regulations
      • Familiarity with quality control and assurance processes
    5. Career Advancement
      • Opportunities for job offers and promotions
      • Professional growth and development
      • Increased earning potential
      • Access to leadership roles and responsibilities
      • Recognition and respect within the industry


  1. Overview of the Internship
    • Located at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power's Mcrep's Innovation Campus
    • Worked in the Efficiency Solutions of the Engineering Department, Power District
    • Responsibilities included testing lighting rentals, analyzing results, and conducting site visits
  2. Teamwork and Collaboration
    • Worked with a team of engineers, including certified engineers and supervisors
    • Collaborated with team members and supervisors to complete projects and tasks
    • Importance of teamwork in engineering projects
  3. Preparation for the Application
    • Ensured eligibility by meeting requirements such as full-time enrollment and declared engineering major
    • Practiced behavioral questions for the interview
    • Familiarized with emphasis and position-specific questions, such as electrical engineering concepts
  4. Interview and Selection Process
    • Interview consisted of behavioral questions and emphasis-specific questions
    • Importance of practicing behavioral questions to demonstrate teamwork skills
    • Background check conducted upon hiring
  5. Recommendations for Future Applicants
    • Encourage all engineering majors to apply
    • Visit Cal State Lee's career center for assistance with interviews, resumes, and cover letters
    • Importance of preparation and practice for the interview process

    1. Internship Experience
      • Worked at Aerospace and Defense Company
    2. Skills Acquired
      • Learned VHDL programming language
      • Familiarity with satellite systems and signal processing
    3. Networking
      • Attended conferences to expand professional network
      • Involved in school clubs to gain opportunities and build connections
    4. Job Search
      • Applied to numerous job openings to increase chances of getting hired
      • Asked for feedback on resume and interview performance to improve
    5. Professional Development
      • Participated in workshops and professional development opportunities
      • Shared knowledge and experience with fellow club members
    6. Advice for Fellow Students
      • Encouraged students to attend conferences and get involved in clubs
      • Emphasized the importance of networking and continuous learning
    1. Mock Interviews
      • Practice answering behavioral and situational questions using the STAR method
      • Review resume and key topics from major courses
      • Prepare for technical questions, especially for companies like Milwaukee Tools and Eden
    2. Resume and Key Topics Review
      • Review resume and key topics from major courses
      • Summarize experiences and projects to highlight skills and achievements
      • Focus on relevant courses, such as digital logic and vhdl, for power systems
    3. STAR Method
      • Explain the situation, task, action, and result of a given experience
      • Use the STAR method to answer behavioral and situational questions
      • Practice answering questions using the STAR method to improve responses
    4. Networking
      • Attend conferences and networking events to meet professionals in the field
      • Connect with managers and engineers from different departments and industries
      • Join clubs and organizations to gain experience and build relationships
    5. Leadership Roles and Teamwork
      • Highlight leadership roles and teamwork experiences on resume and in interviews
      • Showcase ability to work collaboratively and effectively in a team environment
      • Seek out opportunities to lead projects and clubs to gain experience
    6. Technical Skills
      • Learn new technical skills, such as vhdl, to expand knowledge and capabilities
      • Review coursework and projects to refresh technical skills
      • Show enthusiasm for learning and developing technical skills
    7. Internship Experience
      • Share experiences and lessons learned from internships
      • Highlight skills and knowledge gained from internships
      • Show appreciation for opportunities to learn and grow through internships
    8. Career Development
      • Seek out opportunities to learn and grow, such as attending conferences and workshops
      • Build relationships with professionals in the field to gain insight and advice
      • Show dedication to career development and advancement
    1. Interview Preparation
      • Prepare for interviews by practicing behavioral and situational questions
      • Review resume and key topics from major courses
      • Practice using the STAR method to answer questions
    2. Career Development
      • Seek out opportunities to learn and grow, such as attending conferences and workshops
      • Build relationships with professionals in the field to gain insight and advice
      • Show dedication to career development and advancement
    1. Getting Involved in School Clubs and Projects
      • Join at least three different clubs or projects in college, such as a robotics club, a programming club, or a hackathon team
      • Participate in resourceful clubs like ACM, ship, or Eminem program mentorship
      • Join social clubs to expand your network and improve communication skills
      • Take leadership roles within clubs or projects to develop leadership skills and improve your resume
      • Document your experiences and create a portfolio to showcase your work
      • Attend conferences to gain opportunities and get feedback from professionals in the industry
      • Give back to the school and clubs that helped you by becoming a mentor or contributing to their programs
    2. Importance of Conferences and Networking
      • Attend conferences to meet people in the industry and learn about new trends and technologies
      • Conferences are where opportunities happen, and they can lead to internships, full-time jobs, or professional development
      • Networking is important, and conferences provide a chance to connect with professionals and build relationships
      • Bring your resume and be prepared to talk about your projects and experiences
      • Make sure to document your experiences and the feedback you receive at conferences
    3. Overcoming Fears and Challenges
      • Don't be discouraged if you have a low GPA or no experience
      • Leadership roles and project experience can help overcome a low GPA
      • Being involved in school clubs and projects can help build confidence and improve communication skills
      • Don't be afraid to ask questions or seek help from upperclassmen or professionals
      • Learn from your mistakes and failures, and use them as opportunities for growth
    1. Importance of Hard Work and Perseverance
      • Success doesn't come easily, and it takes hard work and perseverance to achieve your goals
      • Keep pushing forward, even when things get tough
      • Learn from your mistakes and failures, and use them as opportunities for growth
      • Stay involved in school and clubs, and continue to build your skills and experience
      • Believe in yourself and your abilities, and don't be afraid to take risks
    2. Value of Mentorship and Giving Back
      • Mentorship is important for personal and professional growth
      • Look for mentors who can guide and support you
      • Give back to the school and clubs that helped you by becoming a mentor or contributing to their programs
      • Sharing your experiences and advice with others can help them and also help you reflect on your own growth
      • Pay it forward and help others succeed, just as you have been helped



  1. Self-Driving and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
    • Worked on vehicle integration at the factory in Normal, Illinois
    • Ensured camera systems, radar systems, computer systems, and sensor systems were functioning properly and communicating with each other
    • Wrote code to increase functionality and ensure systems were operating in order
    • Collaborated with cross-functional teams, including software and hardware engineers
    • Utilized skills learned in school, such as programming languages C and Python
    • Gained experience in a professional engineering setting and learned how engineers function in the industry
    • Developed passion and interest in self-driving technology and electric vehicles
  2. Career Development
    • Learned about the importance of passion and interest in a career
    • Realized the value of adaptability and learning in a professional setting
    • Gained insight into the different aspects of self-driving technology and electric vehicles
    • Understood the importance of building connections and networking in the industry
    • Developed a better understanding of his career path and future goals
  3. Lessons Learned
    • The importance of being able to speak to everything on your resume
    • The value of researching the company and being interested in their values and goals
    • The impact of having a positive attitude and being passionate about the industry
    • The benefit of learning from experienced professionals and gaining practical experience
    • The importance of building connections and networking in the industry

    1. Networking
      • Attended networking events to find an internship opportunity
      • Reached out to colleagues on LinkedIn for potential internship leads
      • Cleaned up resume and submitted it for job opportunities
    2. Preparation
      • Prepared for interviews by researching the company and practicing responses to common questions
      • Reviewed course material from E4200 and E5200 to refresh knowledge
      • Looked over job requisitions to understand the skills and qualifications required
    3. Internship Related to E Curriculum
      • Internship was 100% in line with Master's program concentration at Cal State LA
      • Worked with RF components, testing, troubleshooting, and root cause analysis
      • Designed systems that were classified, using components sourced from the job requisition
    4. Benefits of Internship
      • Gained practical experience in the field, solidifying theoretical knowledge
      • Developed expertise in RF components, game budget, and overall confidence
      • Built connections between classroom learning and real-world applications
    1. Gratitude
      • Expressed gratitude to Dr. Mundine and Dr. Dinesh for their guidance and support
      • Recognized the value of their time and effort in helping with academic and professional development
    2. Recommendations for Cal State LA Students
      • Encouraged Cal State LA students to pursue internships at Northrop Grumman
      • Provided contact information for two Northrop Grumman employees who can assist with internship opportunities
      • Emphasized the importance of building connections and seeking out opportunities for growth