In Case of Emergency
DO NOT submit EMERGENCY requests online.
During Business Hours
Call Facilities Services: 323-343-3440
After Hours Only
Call Public Safety: 323-343-3700
Facilities Service Requests are processed during normal business hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00am to 5:00pm
Welcome to the Facilities Services home page. In support of the University's mission, the Facilities Services department provides a myriad of services to ensure safe, functional, attractive and sustainable facilities and infrastructure for the campus community.
Custodial Staff has been increased by 26% during Fall semester to support maintenance and cleaning efforts across campus.
The Operation
Building Maintenance
The Building Maintenance group consists of the various trades (plumbers, electricians, carpenters, painters and mechanics) that maintain and repair all the campus buildings and facilities, including electrical plumbing, carpentry, roofing, flooring, glazing, signage, HVAC, elevators, emergency generators, swimming pools and water treatment. This group also provides minor remodeling and tenant improvement construction services.
Custodial Services
The staff of Custodial Services works behind the scenes to provide complete sanitation of restrooms and indoor/outdoor eating areas using disinfectants and environmentally safe products. The team also maintains clean and attractive floors by stripping, waxing, carpet extraction, sealing interior concrete floors, finishing wood floors and grout cleaning. They also are responsible for general cleaning of classrooms, offices, hallways, restrooms, kitchenettes, outside tables, windows and furniture, which is accomplished through benchmarked cleaning frequencies and schedules as outlined by APPA and ISSA cleaning standards.
The grounds unit is responsible for irrigation services, which include monitoring and inspecting the campus' irrigation system and using a wireless water management service that adjusts the amount of water applied to aesthetic landscapes. Pest control, athletic turf maintenance, landscape maintenance tree trimming and weed abatement are among the other responsibilities that fall under the unit's jurisdiction
Work Control
Work Control is the first point of contact for Building Maintenance, Custodial and Grounds requests. Customers can call the Facilities Work Control Center and be connected with a representative who will coordinate a response to all issues. The Work Control’s primary mission is to act as the liaison between the University community and Facilities. The Facilities Work Control staff receives work requests (work orders) from within the University community and distributes them to the appropriate trade/custodial personnel. All work requests are processed through the Work Control Center and can be received by phone, fax, in person and via the Internet.