Ann Garry

Photo of Professor Emerita, Ann Garry
College of Arts & Letters
Professor Emerita of Philosophy


Since retiring from full-time teaching at Cal State LA, I have had some interesting and enjoyable short-term appointments: the Humphrey Chair of Feminist Philosophy at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Fulbright Professorships at the University of Tokyo and at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, and, in Winter 2023, UCLA. I've recently received two very nice honors: selection by the Society for Women in Philosophy as Distinguished Woman Professor (2020) and an invitation from the American Philosophical Association to present the John Dewey Lecture at the Pacific Division meeting in 2023.

Research Interests

My primary research interests concern various topics in Feminist Philosophy. Some of my work has been in feminist approaches to epistemology and philosophical methods, particularly the intersection of feminist philosophy and analytic philosophy. Other papers have been on moral or social topics such as pornography, abortion, feminist analyses of sexuality, etc. Recently I have been writing on various facets of intersectional frameworks, including their specific impact on philosophy.  

With Serene Khader and Alison Stone, I co-edited The Routledge Companion to Feminist Philosophy, a collection of 56 original essays (2017). Immediately after that the three of us were also Interim Editors of Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy 

 I co-edited with Talia Bettcher, Transgender Studies and Feminism: Theory, Politics, and Gender Realities (special issue of Hypatia Vol. 24:3 Summer 2009). 

The second edition of my anthology, co-edited with Marilyn Pearsall, was published by Routledge in 1996: Women, Knowledge, and Reality: Explorations in Feminist Philosophy.

Details of my publications are on my CV. A few of the essays are linked below (with others to come). More papers can be found on, and

"Who Is Included? Intersectionality, Metaphors, and the Multiplicity of Gender"
This is the long version of the paper that appears in Sharon Crasnow and Anita Superson, eds. Out from the Shadows: Analytical Feminist Contributions to Traditional Philosophy. Oxford, 2012. A shorter version (that drops "Who Is Included?" from the title) is in Hypatia 26:4 (2011). If you use the shorter version please use the extended footnotes found as "Supporting Information."

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article on "Analytic Feminism"

"Why Analytic Feminism?"

"Essences, Intersections, and American Feminism"

"Intersections, Social Change and 'Engaged' Theories: Implications of North American Feminism"

"Sex, Lies, and Pornography"

"Medicine and Medicalization: A Response to Purdy"

"A Minimally Decent Philosophical Method? Analytic Philosophy and Feminism"

"Abortion: Models of Responsibility"

"Anti-Racist Solidarity Work: Categories, Guilt, and Shame"

Here's an example of the work I did before feminist philosophy (you might be glad I moved on). "Mental Images" in The Personalist (which became Pacific Philosophical Quarterly).

Teaching Interests

In addition to many different topics in Feminist Philosophy, I have frequently taught, at the upper-division level or graduate level, Bioethics, Philosophy of Law, Senior Seminar, and graduate seminars on Wittgenstein, intersectionality, and various topics in epistemology, especially feminist epistemology, objectivity and rationality, epistemic ignorance and injustice. Among general education courses it's typically been Philosophy, Gender and Culture or Contemporary Moral Issues in a Multicultural Society--after many years of Formal Logic or Critical Thinking. I am happy to share syllabi for any of these courses by email.

Center for the Study of Genders and Sexualities

I was the founding director of the Center for the Study of Genders and Sexualities on campus. This center offers many interesting programs that you'll find on its website.