Arturo Pacheco-Vega

Dr. Pacheco-Vega
Engingeering, Computer Science and Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Office ETA-410
(323) 343-4492


Welcome to my Faculty page. For additional information please visit my biographical page, here.


My most recent CV - in PDF format - is here.



Faculty Fellow, STEM-NET Program, (2020 - To date)
The California State University, Office of the Chancellor

Director, CREST Center for Energy and Sustainability, (2017 - To date)
California State University, Los Angeles

Associate Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering, (2016 - To date)
California State University, Los Angeles

Full Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, (2014 - To date)
California State University, Los Angeles

Associate Professor, Faculty of Chemical Sciences, (2004 - 2008)
Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, (2002 - 2003)
University of Notre Dame

Design and Project Engineer, (1989 - 1993)
CEMEX Co., Mexico



Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, 2002

  • University of Notre Dame
    Notre Dame, IN, USA 

M.S. Mechanical Engineering, 2000

  • University of Notre Dame
    Notre Dame, IN, USA 

M.S. Mechanical Engineering, 1996

  • Universidad de Guanajuato
    Salamanca, GTO., Mexico 

B.S. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, 1988 

  • Universidad Iberoamericana 
    Leon, GTO., Mexico 



Spring 2021 (January 25 - May 26)

ME 4090 - Mechanical Engineering Analysis MW 4:30 pm - 5:45 pm (not teaching it in spring 2021) ET A-226
ENGR 4970 - Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering (Seminar Series)  F     1:00 pm - 2:00 pm (not teaching it in spring 2021) ET A-126
Office Hours (drop-in)  W    3:30 pm - 4:30 pm (by appointment only) ET A-410
Advising Hours (drop-in) 

MW 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm (by appointment only)

ET A-410




  • Heat Conduction
  • Heat Convection
  • Energy Systems
  • Mechanical Engineering Analysis


  • Dynamics I
  • Thermodynamics II
  • Control of Mechanical Systems
  • Fluid Mechanics I and Laboratory
  • Heat Transfer I
  • Matrix Algebra for Engineers
  • Introduction to Numerical Methods for Engineers I



  • Simulation and control of thermal systems
  • Soft computing technologies (artificial intelligence)
  • System and process optimization
  • Heat and fluid flow data analysis
  • Nonlinear dynamical systems
  • Analytical and numerical methods for PDEs
  • Micro-scale fluid flow and heat transfer
  • Electronic cooling
  • Fractional differential equations and applications
  • Biologically-inspired systems and techniques

PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS* (only included those of last six years)

Journal Papers and Book Chapters  

Pacheco-Vega, A., and Avila, G., 2020, "Algorithmic Performance-Data Classification of Condensing Heat Exchangers," Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications,  DOI: 10.1080/10407782.2020.1814596.

Silva-Arellano, J., Gonzalez-Potes, A., Ibarra-Junquera, V., Szederkenyi, G., Pedroza, A., Pacheco-Vega, A., Escalante-Minakata, P. and Ornelas-Paz, J.J., 2018, "Reachability Analysis for Fed-Batch Bioreactors: A Generalized Solution," Submitted for review to: International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering.

Li, K.M., Sen, M., and Pacheco-Vega, A., 2018, "Fractional-Derivative Approximation of Relaxation in Complex Systems," Complexity, Vol. 2018,  Article No. 8318519, DOI: 10.1155/2018/8318519.

Pacheco-Vega, A., Diaz G., Sen M., and Yang K.T., 2018, "Applications of Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Methods in Thermal Engineering," in: CRC Handbook of Thermal Engineering, 2nd Edition, R.P. Chhabra (Ed.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, Section 4.27, pp. 1217-1269.

Wu, A., and Pacheco-Vega, A., 2017, "Cooling System Optimization for a Terahertz Radiation Detector via Parametric Analysis of the Fluid-Solid Interaction Problem," Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 45, pp. 1044–1066, DOI:10.1016/j.apm.2017.01.037. 

Pacheco-Vega, A., Dugast, F., Renault, P. and Tohid, U., 2017, "Numerical Investigation of Engineering Systems: Analysis of Accuracy Reduction Due to Model Oversimplification," Heat Transfer Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 26–36, DOI: 10.1080/01457632.2016.1151305. 

Romero-Mendez, R., Lara Vazquez, P., Oviedo-Tolentino, F., Duran-Garcia, H.M., Perez-Gutierrez, F.G. and Pacheco-Vega, A., 2016, "Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Prediction of the Convective Heat Transfer in Evaporative Mini-Tubes," Ingenierıa Investigacion y Tecnologia (Engineering Research and Technology), Vol.XVII, No. 1, pp. 23–34.

Cobian-Iñiguez, J., Wu, A., Dugast, F., and Pacheco-Vega, A., 2015, "Numerically-Based Parametric Analysis of Plain Fin and Tube Compact Heat Exchangers," Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 86, pp. 1–13.

Baghdasarian, M., Pacheco-Vega, A., Pacheco J.R., and Verzicco, R., 2014,“Mixing in Thermally Stratified Nonlinear Spin-Up With Uniform Boundary Fluxes,” Physics of Fluids, Vol. 26, Article No. 096602 (15 pages).

Romero-Mendez, R., Hidalgo Lopez, J.M., Duran-Garcia, H.M., and Pacheco-Vega, A., 2014, "Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Prediction of Convective Heat Transfer in Evaporative Units," Ingenierıa Investigacion y Tecnologıa (Engineering Research and Technology), Vol. XV, No. 1, pp. 93–101.


Conference and Symposium Papers (Refereed)   

Avila, G., and Pacheco-Vega, A., 2021, “ANN-based classification of operating data in humid air-water heat exchangers,” Accepted to: 6th World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer (MHMT’21).

Durantes, R., Moon, J., Pacheco, J.R., and Pacheco-Vega, A., 2020, “Numerical modeling of single-phase fluid-flow in wavy micro-channels,” Accepted to: COM-SOL Conference 2020 North America, Boston, MA, USA.

Moon, J., Pacheco, J.R., and Pacheco-Vega, A., 2019, "Heat transfer enhancement in wavy micro-channels: effect of block material," in: Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer (MHMT'19), Rome, Italy, Paper No. ENFHT 120.

Baltazar, J., Yarian, A., Clemons, D, and Pacheco-Vega, A., 2019, "On-line fuzzy control of a multi-room building facility," in: Proceedings of the 4th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, Paper No. TFEC-2019-27663.

Moon, J., Pacheco, J.R., and Pacheco-Vega, A., 2018, "Heat Transfer Enhancement in Wavy Micro-Channels Through Multiharmonic Surfaces," in: Proceedings of the 2018 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Paper No. IMECE2018-86425.

Li, K.M., Sen, M., and Pacheco-Vega, A., 2018, “Fractional-order-based system identification for heat exchangers,” in: Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer (MHMT’18), Budapest, Hungary, Paper No. ENFHT 134.

Baltazar, J., Yarian, A., and Pacheco-Vega, A., 2018, "Development of P- PD-and PID-fuzzy SISO controllers of a sub-scaled multi-room building test-bed,” in: Proceedings of the 3rd Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC), Tampa, FL, USA, Paper No. TFEC-2018-21805.

Gomez, H., Tohid, U., and Pacheco-Vega, A., 2017, “Geometrical effects of channel configuration on the performance of membraneless fuel cells,” in: Proceedings of the 2017 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition, Tampa, FL, USA, Paper No. IMECE2017-72235.

Gomez, H., and Pacheco-Vega, A., 2016, “Parametric analysis of membraneless fuel cells,” in: Proceedings of the Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 376–383.

Grajeda, E., Dugast, F., Gauthier, C., Pacheco, J.R., and Pacheco-Vega, A.2015, “Conjugate heat transfer analysis of multi-harmonic wavy-channels,” in: Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy Systems, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1–8.

Baghdasarian, A., Ramos, O., Ruvalcaba, J., Talome, S., Wang, F., Sabatier, L., and Pacheco-Vega, A., 2015, “Design and instrumentation of an experimental test-bed for research in energy efficiency in buildings,” in: Proceedings of the 2015 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition, Houston, TX, USA, Paper No. IMECE2015-50098.

Wu, A., Pacheco-Vega, A., and Cobian, J., 2015, “Thermal convection and stress analysis of the cooling system for a terahertz radiation detector,” in: Proceedings of the 13th Intl. Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, San Francisco, CA, Paper No. ICNMM2015-48373.

Rodriguez-Nikl, T., Won, D.S., Menezes, G.B., Pacheco-Vega, A., Sharif, A., and Ragusa, G., 2015, “Integrated project for sophomore-level engineering course contextualization,” in: Proceedings of American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition 2015, Seattle, WA, June 14–17, Paper No. 13717.

Menezes, G.B., Sharif, A., Pacheco-Vega, A., Won, D.S., Rodriguez-Nikl, T., Ragusa, G., and Khachikian, C.S., 2015, “Sophomore Unified Core Curriculum for Engineering Education (SUCCEEd) at Cal State LA,” in: Proceedings of American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition 2015, Seattle, WA, June 14–17, Paper No. 13705.

Tohid, U., Genger, C., Kaiser, J., Accorsi, I., and Pacheco-Vega, A., 2014, “Parametric Analysis of a PULSCO Vent Silencer,” in: Proceedings of the 2014 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition, Montreal, Canada, Paper No. IMECE2014-36420.

Cobian-Iniguez, J., Dugast, F., and Pacheco-Vega, A., 2014, “Numerically-Based Parametric Study of a Compact Fin-Tube Heat Exchanger,” in: Proceedings of the10th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Article No. 1569879895, pp. 1864–1873.


*Additional publications and presentations on my personal website and/or ResearchGate.