Dr. Choi Chatterjee

College of Natural & Social Sciences
Department of History
Office KHC4067

Education: Ph.D. Soviet History, Indiana University, Bloomington, 1995

The Way of the Pilgrim and the Text as Pilgrim: Book in Progress.

My current research project explores the global travels of the 19th-century Russian Orthodox and Hesychast text, The Way of a Pilgrim (Откровенные рассказы странника духовному своему отцу), and how it sparked spiritual and intellectual conversations in Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, and India.

Digital Archive Project:

Historical Database of Climate Adapted Agriculture in Los Angeles  /research/growingfoodinthecity/cal-state-la-historical-database-climate-adapted-agriculture-los


Russia in World History: A Transnational Approach (Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2022).

Choi Chatterjee, Steven Marks, Mary Neuberger, and Steve Sabol edited, The Global Impacts of Russia’s Great War and Revolution. The Wider Arc of Revolution, Part I, volumes 1 and 2 (Slavica Publishers, Indiana University, Bloomington, 2020). 

Choi Chatterjee, Lisa Kirschenbaum, and Deborah Fields co-authored, Russia in the Long Twentieth
Century. Contested Voices, Memories, and Perspectives
(Routledge, 2016).

Choi Chatterjee, David Ransel, Mary Cavender, and Karen Petrone co-edited, Everyday Life in
Russia Past and Present
(Indiana University Press, 2015).

Choi Chatterjee and Beth Holmgren edited, The Russian Experience: Americans Encountering
the Enigma, 1890 to the Present
(Routledge Press, 2012).

Celebrating Women. Gender, Festival Culture, and Bolshevik Ideology, 1910-1939 (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2002). Also distributed as an ACLS Humanities E-book, http://hdl.handle.net/2027/heb.05225.0001.001

Choi Chatterjee, Jeffrey Gould, Phyllis Martin, James Riley, and Jeffrey Wasserstrom co-authored,
The Twentieth Century. A Retrospective (Westview Press, 2002).

Articles since 2008

“Lady in Red. Russian Revolutionary Language in the American Imagination, 1917-1939,” in Choi Chatterjee et al eds. The Global Impacts of Russia’s Great War and Revolution, Book 2: The Wider Arc of Revolution, Part 1 (Slavica Publishers, 2019, 263–86.)

Choi Chatterjee and Karen Petrone co-authored article, “Natalia Pushkareva: Gender i istoricheskoe nasledie v postsovetskoi’ Rossii,” Vestnik Permskogo Universiteta vol. 3, no. 46 (Fall, 2019): 76-84

“Accidental Transnationalist: An Autobiographical Manifesto,” Ab Imperio (4/2018), pp. 29-41.

“Imperial Subjects in the Soviet Union: Rabindranath Tagore, M. N. Roy, and Re-thinking Freedom and Authoritarianism in the Twentieth Century,” Journal of Contemporary History, no. 4 (October 2017), 913-934. Winner of the Ab Imperio Quarterly Prize for best article, 2017 https://sites.google.com/view/abimperioaward/ab-imperio-award

“Gender Mobilization and Gender Panic: Soviet and Iranian Revolutionary Memoirs and the Exile’s Imagination,” in Paul Corner and Jie-Hyun Lim edited, Mass Dictatorship Handbook (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016)

“Imperial Incarcerations: Ekaterina Breshko-Breshkovskaia, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar and the Original Sins of Modernity,” Slavic Review, no. 4 (Winter 2015): 850-872.

“Everyday Life in Transnational Perspective. Consumption and Consumerism, 1917-1939.” In Choi Chatterjee, David Ransel, Mary Cavender and Karen Petrone edited, Everyday Life in Russia Past and Present (Indiana University Press, 2015), 368-389.

Choi Chatterjee and Karen Petrone co-authored article, “Transnational Feminisms: Gender and Historical Knowledge in Post-Soviet Russia” Issue 1 and 2 of Tractus Aevorum,
http://www.belsu-tractus-aevorum.ru/index.php/ru/nomer (an online and print journal sponsored by the Belgorod National Research University, Russia, 2014).

“From Public, to Private, to Public Again. Women and Festivity in Twentieth Century Russia,” in Julie Buckler and Emily Johnson edited, Rites of Place: Public Commemoration and Celebration in Russia and Beyond (Northwestern University Press, 2013), 183-202.

Choi Chatterjee and Karen Petrone co-authored article, “Models of Self and Subjectivity: The Soviet Case in Historical Perspective,” Slavic Review, no. 4 (Winter 2008): 967-986. Reprinted in Michael Kim, Michael Schoenhals and Yong-Woo Kim eds., Mass Dictatorship and Modernity (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013).

The Russian Romance in American Popular Culture, 1880-1939,” in Choi Chatterjee and Beth Holmgren edited, The Russian Experience: Americans Encountering the Enigma, 1890 to the Present (Routledge, 2012), 87-104.

“Transnational Romance, Terror and Heroism: Russia in American Popular Fiction, 1860- 1917,” Comparative Studies in Society and History, no. 3 (July 2008): 753-777.

“Odds and Ends of the Russian Revolution: Gender and American Travel Narratives of 1917,” Journal of Women’s History, no. 4 (Winter 2008): 10-33.


Select Awards:

2020-2023:              CO-PI on grant “Growing Food in the City, Urban Gardens for Education and Research” ($275,000): Awarded by US Department of Agriculture, NIFA (2020-2024) 

2021:                       Distinguished Professor Award, Cal State LA

2018 Winter:           La Kretz Foundation Award (Climate Knowledge and Climate Resilience)

2017:                       Co-recipient of the CSU Campus as a Living Grant Sustainability Award           

2016 Winter:           Research Scholarship and Creative Activity Leave, Cal State LA              

2014 Fall:                Outstanding Professor Award, Cal State LA

2014 Winter:            Co-recipient of the Ethan Lipton/Ali Modarres Fellowship                              

                                for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Cal State LA


Art Exhibitions:

Co-curator of an art exhibition," The Ground Beneath our Feet. A Hundred Years of Earthquakes in Los Angeles," https://ahundredyearsofearthquakesinlosangeles.org/about/

Co-curator of an art exhibition, “Revolutionizing the World? 1917-2017,” October 9-18, 2017, Fine Arts Gallery, California State University, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90032 https://revolutionizingtheworld.wordpress.com/ 

Co-curator of an exhibition of Soviet-era artworks from the Wende Museum, Culver City, entitled, Politics of Happiness and Dreams of the Future, February 11 – March 2, 2013. Fine Arts Gallery, California State University, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90052, http://www.wendemuseum.org/news/politics-happiness-dreams-future-collection-wende-museum.