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Recent News:
Golden Eagle Makers and IMPACT LA
Office/Advising Hours (Fall 2024) - Any student is welcome for any reason
Office hours: TBD
Research Interests
Batteries, fuel cells, electrolyzers, supercapacitors, vehicle design, electrochemical 3D printing, sustainable engineering, and education.
Principal Investigator of Sustainable Technology Lab
Director of the Innovation and Design Center overseeing the ECST Makerspace
PI on NASA/JPL Collaborative Grants for High-Temp Lithium-Ion Batteries and Lunar 3D Printing
Senior member of the PREM and CREST CATSUS centers
If you are interested in working with me in any of these areas, send me an email, and I would be happy to discuss research opportunities.
Teaching Interests
Currently teaching: Introduction to Engineering (ENGR 1500), Introduction to Human-Centered Design (ENGR 1540), Introduction to Mechanical Design (ME 2030), Thermodynamics (ME 3260), Introduction to Vehicle Design (ME 4540), ME/EE Senior Design (ME 4971/EE 4961)
Advisor for the Baja SAE team, Golden Eagle Makers (GEM), Charging Eagles EV Team
Previously taught: Mechanical Vibrations, Fluid Mechanics, Physics, Calculus
Previously assisted in teaching: Mechanical Design, Experimental Methods, Control Systems
Cal State LA University Outstanding Professor Award 2023.
Cal State LA Exceptional Service Award 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.
SAE Ralph Teetor Excellence in Education Award 2022.
Doctor of Philosophy, Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017, Minor in Education.
Dissertation: Organic electrodes and solid-state electrolytes for lithium electrochemical energy storage
Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Davis, 2012.
Thesis: Experimental investigation and optimization of PEMFC (proton exchange membrane fuel cell) parallel flow fields
Bachelor of Science with Highest Honors, Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Davis, 2010.
Publications (Google Scholar Site)
- Patrick A., Andrews M., Vignesh S., Bachman J., Kendall M., Borrego M., Sense of Belonging in Engineering and Identity Centrality among Undergraduate Students at Hispanic Serving Institution, Journal of Engineering Education 112 (2023) 316.
- Horii M., Chistianson R., Mutha H., Bachman J., Modeling Solid-State Battery Performance Including the Effects of Electrolyte Morphology, Journal of Power Sources 528 (2022) 231177.
- Perez S., Bachman J., Design of Baja SAE Gearbox for Optimal Performance and Minimum Weight, SAE Technical Paper, Small Powertrain and Energy Systems Technology Conference, 2020-32-2311, 2020.
- Carranza R., Rico A., Leguizamon J., Bachman J., Measurement of the Forces from the Ground on the Tires for a Baja SAE Vehicle, SAE Technical Paper, Small Powertrain and Energy Systems Technology Conference, 2020-32-2309, 2020.
- Hayes O., Dong J., Chen P., Bachman J., Kuo J., Using Asset-based Participatory Design Thinking to Develop Culturally-Relevant STEM Video Modules to Promote Intrinsic Motivation, ASEE Pacific Southwest Conference, 2021.
- Burrola S., Horii S., Gonzalez‐Guerrero M.J., Bachman J., Gomez F., Production of a NiO/Al Primary Battery Employing Powder‐Based Electrodes, Electrophoresis Nov (2019).
- Muy S., Bachman J.,Chang H-H., Giordano L., Maglia F., Lupart S., Lamp P., Zeir W., Shao-Horn Y., Lithium Conductivity and Meyer-Neldel Rule in Li3PO4-Li3VO4-Li4GeO4 Lithium Superionic Conductors, Chemistry of Materials (2018).
- Muy S., Bachman J., Giordano L., Chang H-H., Abernathy D., Bansal D., Delaire O., Hori S., Kanno R., Maglia, F., Lupart S., Lamp P., Shao-Horn Y., Tuning Mobility and Stability of Lithium Ion Conductors Based on Lattice Dynamics, Energy and Environmental Science 11 (2018) 850-859.
- Sheberla D., Bachman J., Elias J., Shao-Horn Y., Dinca M., Conductive MOF Electrodes for Stable Supercapacitors with High Areal Capacitance, Nature Materials 16 (2017) 220-224.
- Bachman J., Muy S., Grimaud A., Chang H.-H., Pour N., Lux S., Paschos O., Maglia F., Lupart S., Lamp P., Giordano L., Shao-Horn Y., Inorganic Solid-State Electrolytes for Lithium Batteries: Mechanisms And Properties Governing Ion Conduction, Chemical Reviews 116 (2016) 140-162.
- Bachman J., Kavian R., Graham D., Kim D.Y., Noda S., Nocera D., Shao-Horn Y., Lee S.W., Electrochemical Polymerization of Pyrene Derivatives on Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes for Pseudocapacitive Electrodes, Nature Communications 6 (2015) 7040.
- Bachman J., Charvet M., Santamaria A., Tang H., Park J.W., Walker R., Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Channel Length on Performance and Water Accumulation in a PEMFC Parallel Flow Field, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37 (2012) 17172-17179.
- Bachman J., Santamaria A., Tang H., Park J.W., Investigation of PEMFC Parallel Flow Field with Induced Cross Flow, Journal of Power Sources 198 (2012) 143-148.
- Jiao K., Bachman J., Zhou Y., Park J.W., Effect of Induced Cross Flow on Flow Pattern and Performance of PEMFC, Applied Energy 115 (2014) 75-82.
- Santamaria A., Bachman J., Park J.W., Design Strategy for a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Flow-field Capable of Switching between Parallel and Interdigitated Configurations, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38 (2013) 5807-5812.
- Santamaria A., Bachman J., Park J.W., Cold-Start of Parallel and Interdigitated Flow-Field PEMFCs, Electrochimica Acta 107 (2013) 327-338.
- Tong S., Bachman J., Santamaria A., Park J.W., Experimental Investigation on a PEMFC Parallel Flow Field Design with External Two-Valve Regulation on Cathode Channels, Journal of Power Sources 242 (2013) 195-201.
- Tang H., Santamaria A., Bachman J., Park J.W., Vacuum-assisted Drying of PEMFC Membrane, Applied Energy 107 (2013) 264-270.
- Kim D., Bachman J., White B., A Wind-tunnel Study of Wind Effects on Air-Cooled Condensers, Electric Power Research Institute, Agreement #EPP25312C12263, Product ID: 1024752, 2011.
- Kim D., Bachman J., Patel A., White B., Environmental Science Associates, 525 Golden Gate: Wind Resources/Wind Turbulence, San Francisco Public Utility Commission, CS-833A, Task Order 20, 2010.
- Bachman J., Patel A., White B., A Wind-tunnel Study of Exhaust Stack Emissions at the UC Davis Mouse Biology Program Expansion, Design and Construction Management, UC Davis, Project #9337500, 2011.
- Bachman J., Patel A., White B., A Wind-tunnel Study of Exhaust Stack and Odor Emissions at the UC Davis Oxford Circle Dinning Commons, Design and Construction Management, UC Davis, Project #9512600, 2010.
- Bachman J., Patel A., White B., Englekirk, Wind Tunnel Study of Pedestrian Level Wind Speeds: Casden Sepulveda Project, Los Angeles, CA, Englekirk, Job No. 11-6147, 2011.
- Kim D., Bachman J., Patel A., Silla C., Taylor G., Tucker J., Giusti C., White B., A Wind-tunnel Study of Pedestrian Level Wind Conditions for the Proposed Expansion of Memorial Union and Bookstore at UC Davis, Architects and Engineers, UC Davis, Project # 9516800, 2009.