Michael Shim, Professor

College of Arts and Letters
Department of Philosophy
Office ET422


I've been at Cal State LA since 2007. My BA is from Vassar College (1995), and my PhD is from Stony Brook University (2003). I specialize in Phenomenology and Husserl Scholarship, with research interests in Modern Philosophy and Philosophy of Mind. I regularly teach PHIL 1510 Thought and Reality, PHIL 1520 Human Values, PHIL 4450 Existentialism, and PHIL 4460 Phenomenology; as well as related graduate-level courses. I am also the faculty advisor to Philosophy in Practice, our department's student-run journal. 

Representative publications:

Husserl’s Spatialization of Perceptual Consciousness,” Experiential Reason: Perception, Affectivity, and Volition in Husserl’s Phenomenology. Phaenomenologica, eds. R. Rubio, R. Walton, S. Taguchi (Springer, 2017)

“Monad and Consciousness in Husserl: A Quasi-representationalist Interpretation,” Discipline Filosofiche 23 (2) (2013), pp. 175-190

Representationalism and Husserlian Phenomenology,” Husserl Studies 27 (3) (Oct. 2011), pp. 197-215

Duality of Non-Conceptual Content in Husserl’s Phenomenology of Perception,” Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 4 (2) (June 2005), pp. 209-229

Presence and Origin: On the Possibility of Static-Genetic Distinction,” Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 36 (2) (May 2005), pp. 129-147

What Kind of Idealist Was Leibniz?British Journal for the History of Philosophy 13 (1) (Feb. 2005), pp. 91-110

For more detailed information, including all publications, talks, etc., see my CV below:

Curriculum Vitae