Professor, Civil Engineering
Chair, Technology
Email: rpurasi@calstatela.edu
Tel: 323-343-4459
Dr. Purasinghe's interests are in Computer Aided Analysis and Design. He is a Registered Professional Civil Engineer in California. Currently, he is the Chair of the Technology Department.
Dr. Purasinghe teaches courses in the analysis and design of structures, computer-aided design laboratory, senior design project course, and finite element analysis. He is also very interested in using interactive course modules via the internet.
CSLA Civil Engineering Senior Design Projects where he is the Course Coordinator received NCEES national awards for Connecting Professional Practice and Education in 2011 and 2010.
Dr. Purasinghe's current research interests are in performance based structural analysis and design, response modification of structures using energy dissipation devices, and application of web based technology in engineering education.
2000 Visco-Elastic Dampers at Expansion Joints for Protection of Bridges
2004 Push Over Analysis of a Multistory Concrete Perforated Shear Wall
2004 PDA: An Empowering Tool for Engineering Learning
2005 Push Over Analysis of Concrete Shear Walls - Comparison of Methods
2006 Mobile Learning in Engineering through the Use of Personal Digital Assistants
2008 Progressive Collapse Analysis of a Steel Building with Pre-Northridge Moment Connections
2010 Sustainable Green Building Rating System for Energy Efficiency for New Residential Buildings in USA
2011 Bringing Current Research to the Classroom using the Linked Column Frame System in an Undergraduate Structures Lab
2011 Use of Energy Efficient Wood Structural Insulation Panels in Seismic Regions
2013 Structural Issues of Lifelines at Earthquake faults
2013 Engaging Students’ Creativity and Interest Early Through a Freshman Civil Engineering Design Course
2013 Role of E-Learning in Course Redesign of a Collaborative Project Based Engineering Course
2015 Application of Environmentally Friendly Cellular Concrete in Construction
2015 Bringing Lifeline Research to Vertically Integrated Classrooms via a Four-Point Bending Test of Pipe
2016 Viscous Damper Response Analysis in Bulling Frames with a Simplified Method
2017 Dealing with Non-Ductile Concrete Moment Frame Buildings in Highly Seismic Areas
2018 In-Plane Cyclic Behavior of Structural Insulated Panel Wood Walls including Steel Silt Connectors
Ph.D. Civil Engineering
Case Western Reserve University, Ohio
M.S. Structural Engineering
Portland State University, Oregon
B.S. Civil Engineering
University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka