Sonya Lopez

Group Hike 2018
College of Engeering, Computer Science, and Technology
Department of Civil Engineering
Office ETA221

Welcome to the Lopez Water Group

Hydrology & Water Resources Engineering


Developing methods to ascertain the impacts climate variability has on the long-term surface and subsurface water, water storage, ecosystems, and water quality using novel modeling techniques and the integration of advanced observation data. Performing modeling studies with the inclusion of local sustainable technologies using both physically-based and conceptually-based hydrologic models.


Students are encouraged to inquire regarding available research positions in the lab. Students with the following skills are highly encouraged to apply: computing (i.e. Python, R, MATLAB, C++), Geographic Information Systems (GIS; ArcGIS, GRASS-GIS, QGIS), hydrologic modeling, and watershed hydrologic analysis.

Cal State LA offers Master Degrees in Science. Please see our MS program requirements for admission (/ecst/ce/graduate). For questions regarding BS or MS opportunities, email, or visit during scheduled office hours.

Current Graduate Students

Summer ParFlow Training Session

Ommay Tamanna Tahera

Research Topic: Modelling Sustainable Water Technologies using ParFlow

Funding: NSF-CREST Center for Energy & Sustainability; NASA Data Intensive Research and Education Center in Science Technology Education and Mathematics (DIRECT-STEM)



Current Undergraduate Students

CSULA Undergraduates that are interested in pursuing a CE 4990 for an Upper Division Lab Elective, email Dr. Lopez for an opportunity.

Former Students

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Isabel Escobar-Sanchez

Research Topic: Modeling wildfire impacts on hydrological processes using ParFlow-CLM 

Funding: NASA Data Intensive Research and Education Center in Science Technology Education and Mathematics (DIRECT-STEM); Inaugural Sikand Award for Faculty Research in Urban Sustainability

Graduated with BS and M.S from CSULA. Currently a Project Engineer at E2 Consulting Engineers, Inc.


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Joe Rosalez

Research Topic: Evaluating the Feasibility of a Decision Support System for Transportation Infrastructure Resiliency in Response to Extreme Weather Events


Graduated with B.S from CSULA. Currently pursuing an MS at Cal Poly Pomona. 



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Edgar Chavez

Research Topic: Model parameterization of AWE-GEN to use in a post-fire study


Graduated with B.S from CSULA. Currently pursuing an MS at Cal Poly Pomona. 



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Amy Hoang

Using weather generator program (AWE-GEN) to generate climate simulations for a burn site in Valles Caldera in New Mexico.

Graduated with M.S from CSULA. 




Antony Karongo, PETemporary image

Research Topic: Particle-tracking in 3D Biochar + Sand Column experiment using ParFlow


Graduated with M.S from UCLA Civil & Environmental Engineering. Currently employed at LA DWP, Watershed Management Group.

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Gabriela Martinez, EIT

Research Topic: Evaluating Best Management Practices and Urban Sustainability due to a changing climate using the EPA's HSPF Model

Funding: NASA DIRECT-STEM; Inaugural Sikand Award for Faculty Research in Urban Sustainability; NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates at the University of Minnesota; NASA JPL Internship

Graduated with BS+MS Blended from CSULA. Currently a Field Engineer at GRL Engineers. 


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Mahdi Mortazavi, EIT

Research Topic: Decentralized Water Distribution Systems and On-Site Water Treatment Centers

Funding: MWD World Water Forum College Grant; Inaugural Sikand Award for Faculty Research in Urban Sustainability 

Graduated with MS in Civil Engineering from CSULA. Currently a Civil Engineering Assistant at County of LA. 


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Joseph Lucey

Funding: NASA DIRECT-STEMInaugural Sikand Award for Faculty Research in Urban Sustainability

Graduated with BS in Civil Engineering from CSULA. Currently attending UCLA pursuing a PhD in Hydrology and Water Resources


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Simon Packman, EIT


Currently finishing BS in Civil Engineering at CSULA. Currently working for Kimley-Horn.



2017 - 2018 Dr. Lopez Group Photo

From left: Joseph Lucey (BS), Gabriela Martinez (MS), Mahdi Mortazavi (MS), Dr. Sonya Lopez, Simon Packman (BS), Isabel Escobar-Sanchez (BS)

2016-2017 Group Photo









2016 - 2017 Dr. Lopez Group Photo

From left: Isabel Escobar-Sanchez (BS), Joseph Lucey (BS), Dr. Sonya Lopez, Gabriela Martinez (MS), Mahdi Mortazavi (MS) 

2016-2017 Group Photo











2015 - 2016 Dr. Lopez Group Photo

Antony Karongo (left), Gabriela Martinez (middle), Dr. Sonya Lopez (right)

2015-2016 Group Photo


Gw festival 2016