GS-13 Form

The GS-13 form is the approval page for all theses, dissertations, and some project reports submitted to the Graduate Resource Center. Thesis/project committee members must all sign off on the GS-13 form to notify the Graduate Resource Center Coordinator that they have approved a student’s thesis, dissertation, or project report. Chairs and Directors of Departments, Divisions, or Schools must also sign the GS-13 form. Committee members should not sign off on this form until the student has incorporated all required feedback into their thesis drafts. Without this form, the Graduate Resource Center cannot verify that a thesis/project report has been approved by the supervising faculty and the student will not be eligible to graduate.  The GS-13 form can be submitted to as soon as all content edits are finalized and approved by the committee. Students do not have to wait for format revisions from the GRC to submit the GS-13.

Download GS-13 Form


It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to ensure that your GS-13 Form is signed by ALL Committee members and your Department Chair, and that the form is submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies on or before the final deadline. Communicate with your Committee members well in advance to make sure you can secure their signatures before they leave campus for the semester break or otherwise become unavailable before the GS‑13 deadline. No late GS-13 Forms will be accepted!

FAQ About the GS-13

Type in names for only as many Committee members as you have; not all lines must be completed if you don’t have that many Committee members.

If the Department Chair is also on the Committee, they will sign the GS-13 twice: once as the Department Chair, and once as a member of the Committee.

No. PhD candidates in Special Education will forward to the Thesis/Dissertation Coordinator the dissertation approval email from UCLA Graduate Division in lieu of a GS-13 Form.

Candidates may upload revised versions of their manuscripts to ProQuest so long as the GS-13 has not yet been submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies. However, the final deadline for content edits is the same as the GS-13 deadline. Reviewers may request additional format edits and other information after the final upload to ProQuest. Candidates are responsible for notifying their Committee members that requested edits to content are due for upload to the ProQuest ETD Administrator website by the GS-13 deadline (the last Friday of the semester). Candidates who do not submit their GS-13 and final content edits by this date risk not completing their theses/dissertations in the current semester.