Student success is paramount at the College of Natural and Social Sciences. The following programs provide an avenue for a collaborative research environment between students and faculty that encourages student discovery.

NSS Student Research Opportunities
In the Fall of 2018, the College of Natural and Social Sciences was awarded nearly one million dollars from the National Science Foundation to partner with the City of Los Angeles, Community Partners, and other local nonprofits to promote community civic engagement and big data literacy. Working with the City’s LA GeoHub, faculty and students design and implement projects in coordination with the goals of local nonprofits. The grant connects the university to the community through the work of nonprofits by mapping City-wide data relevant to three focus areas: Social Justice, Urban Environment, and the Arts.
Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program
Each year, four new MMUF fellows are selected. These newly selected cohorts of fellows join the previously selected cohorts of rising and graduating senior fellows, where they are provided with mentoring and financial support as they prepare for entry into Ph.D. programs and eventual careers as scholars and faculty members.
The mission of the Minority Opportunities in Research (MORE) Programs at California State University, Los Angeles is to make available to the American scientific research enterprise the creativity and intellectual talents of minority group members. To this end, the University has established several programs to enhance the development of minority students who wish to pursue research careers in basic science disciplines, mathematics and engineering.
The STEM Education Consortium (STEMEC) is a resource center for 1) students currently enrolled or interested in enrolling in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics and 2) faculty engaged in STEM curriculum development and assessment. Funded for 2.8m by the Department of Education First in the World program, STEMEC is established in three locations: California State University - Los Angeles, Pasadena City College, and West Los Angeles College.
Support for Student Travel (SUST) is a reimbursement program designed to encourage and assist NSS undergraduate students. NSS encourages undergraduate students to gain knowledge and experience by presenting professional academic conference papers, posters and presentations, all of which may include travel in California and out-of-state.
The mission of the Urban Ecology Center (UEC), housed within Cal State LA’s College of Natural and Social Sciences (NSS), is to support the advancement of transdisciplinary research, education, and professional development with a focus on sustainable, equitable, and fair economic drivers, land use practices, and public policies.