External Research Opportunities

Research happens beyond the Cal State LA campus. Below is a list of organization you may consider exploring.

Global and External Research Opportunities for Students

The following links provide information on external opportunities for students:

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (National Science Foundation)

American Mathematical Society Research Experiences for Undergraduates

American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Summer Research Programs

Amgen Scholars Program

Association of American Medical Colleges Summer Undergraduate Research Programs

National and International Scholarships and Fellowships

Smithsonian Office of Fellowhips and Internships

Humanities Internships Abroad

National Endowment for the Humantities Internships

National Air and Space Museum Internships

Smithsonian Libraries Internships

U.S. Department of State Internship Program

Central Intelligence Agency Internships

U.S. Department of Education Internships

Americans for the Arts

Arts Internship Program for Students

National Institutes of Health Internships

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Undergraduate Student Research Program

Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program

Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate Summer Research for Undergraduates

Department of Energy Internships

Broad Summer Research Program

American Society for Microbiology Research Fellowships

Argonne National Laboratory Professional Career Internship Program

Other Information

External Undergraduate Organization Supporting Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities

The following are links to several external undergraduate organizations supporting research:

Contact Information

Frank A. Gomez, Ph.D.
Professor of Chemistry
Faculty Research Liaison
Annenberg Science Complex Wing B 122E
