Class: Statistics for Business Analysis and Decision Making (Economics 3060)

Professor: Marco de Angel

In this course, students covered basic statistics, fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), descriptive and inferential statistics, and learned how to implement them using GIS and Excel. The course is designed to introduce students to basic techniques used in descriptive and inferential statistics, regression and spatial analysis: elementary probability, methods of describing and mapping data, story maps, hypothesis testing, and linear regression.

The course emphasized practical applications, rather than technical foundations and derivations. It provided a fundamental framework for applying statistical and geographic modeling to conduct a business analysis, improve business processes, and support sound decision making. In addition, since computer work using Microsoft Excel and GIS was integrated throughout the course, the course enhanced students’ computer skills and made them more competitive in our increasingly technology-based and information-based economy.

As part of the curriculum, students were required to do a Story Map of Elder Abuse Indicators. Two sections of Econ-3060 worked with The California Elder Justice Coalition to create Story Maps. The final Story Map integrated statistical analyses that highlighted the problem and helped students to suggest policy recommendations.

Student Projects

Adult Protective Services- Elderly/Dependent Adult Abuse Case Status and Total Reports Received in California
Erin Weir, Phuong Tran, Karen Alvarez, Sandra Reyes

Total elderly abuse cases reported, investigated, and completed in California
Jorge Rodriguez, Elizabeth Perez, and Bayardemberel Batmunkh

Elderly Abuse Overview CA 2020
Paola Castro, Itzel Santos, Anay Agustin, Ashley Gonzalez

Elderly Abuse: Financial, Self-neglect, and more
Angel Martinez, Ricardo Aguirre, Tammy Truong

Mariana Dominguez & Diana Cerda

Variety of Abuse Towards Elders
David Mata, Andrew Nava, Dany Castillo, Alejandra Romo, Miguel Flores

Elderly Abuse Protection and Case Management
Byron Pineda, Shafiq Alleyne and Maritza Cruz

Types of Abuse
Jaleynn Curley,Hector Arroyo, Marlon Jerez

APS Types of Abuse
Eric Trejo, Saxon Andross, Francesca Natividad, Francisco Lopez, Luis Plascencia

Elderly Abuse Cases Where APS Could Not Create Formidable Investigations
Arthur Deters, Maria Esteban Baltazar, Estefania Martinez

Deliberate Demographic: Cases of Abuse on Seniors in CA
Yanely Arancivia, Ivan Beltran