General Submission Guidelines

After the shared experience of being isolated, we aspire to grow our relationships with others and evolve in a renaissance of expression to create a universal connection.

Statement Magazine’s Spring 2023 issue was inspired by the connections we were able to make despite the hardships we all faced during the worst part of the pandemic, and we have adopted Connection as our central theme.

It is this magazine's mission to inspire its readers to diversify and deepen their relationships through literature and art.

How to Submit Work to Statement Magazine:



Please include the type of submission and title in the subject(ex: Poetry Submission).

                                                    Statement Magazine

                                                           The cover for our 60th Anniversary issue, released in 2010


What Can You Submit?

➢ No more than 4 submissions per applicant. This means one piece of a longer work and three pieces of poetry/shorter works

➢ Written/literary submissions may be excerpts of longer works, but should be no longer than 2,000 word, including any description.

➢ We accept simultaneous submissions, but please let us know immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.

➢ No previously published works, this includes blog or Insta posts.

➢ We ask that you please include the type of submission and title in the document name(ex: Digital Art Submission)


Please email all submissions to:


Literary Submission Guidelines

Cover Letter: Please include any personal information only in the cover letter, as this is a blind submission. Cover letter should include your name, email address, the

title(s) of your submission(s), and a short biography (max. of 75 words).

Submission: All written/literary submissions are welcome and may include, but aren’t limited to: fiction, non-fiction, poetry/prose


Do not include any headers or footers with  information that could potentially reveal your identity such as your name, your CIN, or your email address. If you are a Cal State LA student, please include your CIN in your cover letter.


➢ All prose should be Times New Roman, 12 pt type, double-spaced, one-inch margins.

➢ File name must be formatted with the Title of Work. (ex: TheLoveStory.doc.)

➢ Written work must be in .doc or .docx format or .pdf file. We don’t accept Pages, Google docs, or other formats.

➢ Only the title of the piece and a word count should be included on the first page.

➢ Each submission should be submitted in a separate file.


Art Submission Guidelines:

Cover Sheet: A single .doc or .docx file with your name, email address, the title(s) of your submission(s) and a short biography (max. of 75 words). This is the only place, other than

the file name, where your name should appear. Please include the medium used to create the artwork and the year the artwork was created along with the title on the cover letter. If you are a Cal State LA,

please include your CIN.


Submission: All art submissions are welcome and may include, but aren’t limited to:

paintings, drawings/sketches, photography, sculptures, digital art, etc.


➢ File name must be named as Title of Work. (ex: TheColorsoftheWind.jpg.)

➢ Images must be in .jpg format.

➢ Digital files for art submissions must be print quality, at least 300 dpi.

➢ Each submission should be submitted in a separate file.

Final Notes

  • Submissions that do not follow guidelines will not be considered.
  • Accepted material will be acknowledged by email notification.

If you have any questions please contact us at