Organizational Development Course

Whether your organization is seeking to regain recognition (meaning you were previously recognized in the last academic year) or is seeking to gain recognition (as a new student organization), you will have to meet the Organizational Development Course (ODC) requirement.  Please pay special attention to the following options you have to meet this requirement:

General Overview

In addition to meeting the ODC requirement, both returning and new student organizations must also meet all additional requirements for maintaining and gaining student organization recognition.

For new & returning student organizations, the Fall Organizational Development Course (ODC) will launch in early August (specific dates will be listed on Presence). Student organization presidents and treasurers will be required to complete ODC through the Presence platform to regain or gain University recognition. For more information on this requirement, please review the Student Organization Recognition Requirements section of the Student Organization Handbook. 

  • The course is required for presidents and treasurers ONLY, no other officer position should complete ODC at this time. (Officers or members interested in the training can complete it after the recognition period has ended.)  
  • This virtual training is asynchronous and will require a total of three to four hours to complete in total.   
  • The training consists of the following six modules and should be completed in this order:   
    • Module 1: Student Organization Policies and Procedures training is required for all organizations. Each President and Treasurer must complete this module. 
    • Module 2: Events Reservation & Registration training is required for all organizations. Each President and Treasurer must complete this module. 
    • Module 3: Club Banking: (required for organizations who bank with the University-Student Union)  
    • Module 4: Food on Campus training is required for all organizations. Each President and Treasurer must complete this module. 
    • Module 5: Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Resources (SMPRT) training is required for all organizations. Each President and Treasurer must complete this module. Cal State LA fraternities and sororities seeking or maintaining university recognition will be required to have 100% of their members complete the Sexual Misconduct Prevention & Resources Training (SMPRT) module on Presence. 
    • Module 6: Associated Students, Incorporated Funding (This module is not an ODC requirement, however, it is required for student organizations planning on applying for ASI funding). 
  • All officers and organizations will be responsible for all the information covered in the modules and will be held accountable for your organization’s compliance with these policies and procedures.    

How to Access ODC through Presence

Accessing the student portal to complete the ODC training is easy!

Using your email please log into Presence

Login screen shot to Presence platform with example of Cal State LA email address.

Find the Opportunities Tab from the Student Portal:

Screenshot of the Cal State LA Presence Portal and the Opportunities Tab selected

From the Experiences Page Select the Organization Development Course Banner:

Clicking on this banner will show you all of the available ODC modules:

The training consists of the following four modules and should be completed in this order:  

  1. Module 1: Student Organization Policies and Procedures training is required for all organizations. Each President and Treasurer must complete this module. 
  2. Module 2: Events Registration & Reservations training is required for all organizations. Each President and Treasurer must complete this module. 
  3. Module 3: Club Banking: (required for organizations who bank with the University-Student Union)  
  4. Module 4: Food on Campus training is required for all organizations. Each President and Treasurer must complete this module. 
  5. Module 5: Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Resources (SMPRT) training is required for all organizations. Each President and Treasurer must complete this module. Cal State LA fraternities and sororities seeking or maintaining university recognition will be required to have 100% of their members complete the Sexual Misconduct Prevention & Resources Training (SMPRT) module on Presence. 
  6. Module 6: Associated Students, Incorporated Funding (This module is not an ODC requirement, however, it is required for student organizations planning on applying for ASI funding). 

Screenshot of the 2023-2024 Organizational Development Course modules


Complete All ODC Modules

Presidents and Treasurers must complete all five required ODC training modules through the Apply for Opportunity form.

Presidents and Treasurers will need to enter their First and Last names as well as the name of your student organization for each quiz they complete to receive full credit. Do NOT complete these training modules under someone else's Presence account. Doing so will result in your submission being denied.

Screenshot of the Apply to Earn Form with Officer Information fields shown

When completing that form, you will want to select the appropriate option(s) under “Experience”:  

Screenshot of the Apply to Earn Form with the Opportunity, Experience, and 2023-2024 Organizational Development Course selected

  1. Under Opportunity Type Select Experience
  2. Under Experience Type select: 2023-2024 Organizational Development Course
  3. Under Experience select the module you have completed.

You will need to complete this process for each of the six modules you complete.

This form will quiz you on the content covered in each of the modules.  Please submit a form with all the correct responses to complete each of these modules.  Once all required sections of the modules have been completed, you will be done with this part of the recognition requirement. 


When is ODC Due?

Returning organizations (that were recognized last academic year) and new organizations (that were not recognized last academic year) must complete all ODC modules during the recognition period listed on Presence

ODC Support

If you have any questions regarding this training requirement, you can email CSI at

Utilize the Recognition Tracker to check your student organization's recognition status and see what requirements your organization is still missing.  

For your convenience, you can schedule a 15-minute appointment with a member of the CSI team by emailing A follow-up email will be sent to you with a Zoom link to access the meeting. Please be prepared to share your availability.