Student Organization Travel

Travel Guidelines

If your organization is planning on taking a trip to any domestic or international location, you will have to register that trip as an event utilizing the Event Registration Form. General examples of club/organization trips include (but are not limited to) attending national conferences or leadership development programs, holding retreats or trainings at an off-campus location over multiple days, participating in regional, state, or national (non-sport) competitions, and engaging in community service trips abroad or internationally.  Below you’ll find guidelines to follow with regard to registering organization travel.

Failure to register student organization travel and to submit general releases and travel documents will result in a cancellation of all registered events and travel for one semester or 16 weeks (first occurrence) or hold in recognition for one academic year (second occurrence).

  2. Student organizations must submit an Event Registration Form at least 10 business days prior to their travel dates.  Organizations are encouraged to submit travel event registration forms in advance of the minimum 10 business day requirement.
  3. Each Cal State LA student who will participate in this student organization trip must review, complete, and sign the Individual General Release Form and Emergency Contact Form (both forms are located in one file).
  4. Your organization should complete the general waiver and emergency form process first before completing/submitting the Event Registration form.
  5. Student organization trip organizers must upload all signed copies of both forms for each participant planning on going on the trip when submitting the Event Registration form.
  6. Please note, that your organization’s Event Registration Form will not be signed (nor will the event be considered registered) until you have successfully submitted completed general release forms and emergency contact forms for each participant with the Event Registration form.
  7. Failure to submit these forms and to register your trip at least 10 business days prior to your intended travel date could ultimately cancel your organization’s trip. 
  8. After you’ve submitted these forms and the Event Registration Form has been approved, your organization’s trip supervisor should maintain a copy of all general release and emergency contact forms during the entire duration of the trip.  These forms are to be maintained confidentially and only released when deemed appropriate based on the circumstances of the disclosure.  
  9. Prior to traveling, your organization's participants should review and comply with the procedures related to the student field trips and international travel paying special attention to the following:
    1. CSU policy states that no alcoholic beverage or chemical substance (drugs) shall be transported in a State/University vehicle at any time, nor shall they be transported in a private vehicle that is being used in support of a University-sponsored academic or athletic-related activity, except for personally prescribed medication. The individual shall be able to provide evidence of a doctor’s prescription if their personal identification is not affixed on such medication.
    2. Persons on a field trip shall not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
    3. The Field Trip Supervisor shall communicate appropriate University codes of conduct for staff and students. This shall include at minimum issues such as consumption of alcohol, harassment, intimidation, field behavior, and conduct during “free-time”. All traveling participants should understand the consequences of non-compliance and the Field Trip Supervisor shall take appropriate action when aware that participants are in violation.

  1. If your organization is traveling internationally, in addition to meeting all domestic travel guidelines above, all participants will need to schedule a meeting with the University Office of Risk Management & Environmental Health and Safety to ensure that all guidelines and appropriate measures are addressed related to international travel.  This meeting is required and failure to attending can cancel member participation in the trip.
  2. Prior to traveling, your organization participants should review and comply with the procedures related to a student field trip and international travel paying special attention to the following:
    1. CSU policy states that no alcoholic beverage or chemical substance (drugs) shall be transported in a State/University vehicle at any time, nor shall they be transported in a private vehicle that is being used in support of a University-sponsored academic or athletic-related activity, except for personally prescribed medication. The individual shall be able to provide evidence of a doctor’s prescription if their personal identification is not affixed on such medication.
    2. Persons on a field trip shall not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
    3. The Field Trip Supervisor shall communicate appropriate University codes of conduct for staff and students. This shall include at minimum issues such as consumption of alcohol, harassment, intimidation, field behavior, and conduct during “free-time”. All traveling participants should understand the consequences of non-compliance and the Field Trip Supervisor shall take appropriate action when aware that participants are in violation.
  3. The Field Trip Supervisor and/or the organization’s faculty/staff advisor shall research the international location(s) included on the itinerary for all pertinent information, to include:
    1. Travel Warnings & Consular Information
    2. U.S. State Department Country Background Notes 
    3. CDC Information on Travel Vaccinations and Country Medical Concerns 

For more information on how your organization can register its travel events, please contact CSI at