Francisco Balderrama (Emeritus, Chicano Studies/History) presented a talk, entitled “Recognizing Mexican Repatriation,” at the LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes in Los Angeles, Sept. 8, 2016.
Roberto Cantú (Emeritus, Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies) was project director of the Gigi Gaucher-Morales Memorial Conference Series, and organized the 2016 Conference on Américo Paredes: Border Narratives and the Folklore of Greater Mexico held at Cal State LA on May 6-7, 2016.

William Covino, president, and Lauri Ramey (English) presented a discussion on “Planning and Running a University Literary Center,” at the Association of Writers & Writing Programs (AWP) Writing Conference & Book Fair, J.W. Marriott, Los Angeles, Mar. 31, 2016.

Jane Dong (Electrical and Computer Engineering) attended a two-week Denver Summer Institute sponsored by Higher Education Resource Network (HERS), 2016. Dong was a recipient of a HERS leadership fellowship, which is provided by a grant from the Clare Booth Luce Foundation to a select group of women in STEM leadership positions.
Elaine Draper (Sociology) organized and chaired a panel on “Bioethics and Health Care” at the 2016 Law and Society Association annual meetings in New Orleans, June 2-5, 2016. She was appointed by the American Sociological Association as chair of the Sociology of Law Distinguished Book Award Committee, and also to serve on both the Allan Schnaiberg Outstanding Publication Award in Environment and Technology and the Labor and Labor Movements Distinguished Scholarly Article Award committees.
Domnita Dumitrescu (Emerita, Modern Languages and Literature) presented the following: “La literatura en Spanglish como espacio de encuentro e identidad: El caso de Junot Diaz,” at the 35th Congreso Internacional de ALDEEU, Segovia, Spain, July 2015; “Tradición e innovación en el diccionario académico,” Annual Conference of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, Denver, Colorado, July 2015; “Teaching Spanish Heritage Speakers in the U.S.: Some Challenges,” at the fall 2015 meeting of the AATSP-So Cal, Oct. 31, 2015; and “Preguntas que contestan preguntas: Una estructura especial del diálogo en español,” at the XV Congreso de la Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española, México, Nov. 22-25, 2015. She was also invited to lecture on “Teaching Spanish Heritage Speakers in the U.S.: Challenges and Rewards” at the University of Stockholm, Sept. 17, 2015.

Ramani Durvasula (Psychology) was invited as a panel speaker for I am Psyched Museum Day Live 2016 event sponsored by the American Psychological Association, Mar. 12, 2016. She spoke on the panels, “What Psychology Means to Me: Senior Women Psychologists in Conversation,” and “You Do What? Mid-Career Women Psychologists in Conversation.”

Alex Espinoza (TV, Film and Media) and Fred Smith (Cross Cultural Centers) presented a session on “Intersections: Race, Sexuality, and Other Collisions in Los Angeles Literature," at the Association of Writers & Writing Programs (AWP) Writing Conference & Book Fair, L.A. Convention Center, Apr.1, 2016.

Barry Hibbs (Geosciences and Environment) was a plenary keynote speaker at the 8th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Houston, TX, June 6-10, 2016. He spoke on “Geological and Anthropogenic Imprints on Ground Water Quality: Beware of the Anecdotal Models.” At the same conference, graduate student Michael Harrison won second place for the best student paper award in the written conference paper category. His paper was titled “Analysis of Elevated Concentrations in Trace Elements and Nutrients in Urban Creek.”

William M. London (Public Health) spoke about “The ‘Health Freedom’ Movement Versus Consumer Protection” at both the Hollywood headquarters of the Center for Inquiry in Los Angeles and at the Neighborhood Community Center in Costa Mesa on Aug. 21, 2016.

Richard Roberto (Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering) and Dan Roberto, College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology staff technician, volunteered and supported the 2016 American Solar Challenge/ Formula Sun Grand Prix, Jul.-Aug. 2016. Richard sat on the judges panel while Dan assisted behind the scene.

Joseph Staub (Special Education and Counseling) presented a workshop, “Designing, Implementing, and Documenting Instruction for Special Needs Students,” for the University’s Urban Learning Program, July 16, 2016.