Educate Yourself
- You will register for edTPA through Pearson during Directed Teaching.
- There is a $300 fee for edTPA and it covers all development costs and operational assessment services associated with the resources and support for implementation, delivery, scoring and reporting of edTPA, as well as customer support service for candidates.
- Scorers are trained specifically to edTPA rubrics - they use standardized scoring procedures and are calibrated and monitored during scoring.

COE TPA workshop classes
- During the semester prior to Directed Teaching - to familiarize yourself with the TPA process.
- During Directed Teaching - as you actually pay for and submit the TPA.
Each workshop class meets five times during the semester, Fridays from 4:00-6:45 PM.
Required Texts Provided
- edTPA Elementary Handbook for Literacy and Math
- edTPA Single Subject Handbook
- edTPA Making Good Choices
- For Multiple Subject:
Professor Steven Brownson, TPA Co-Coordinator - For Single Subject:
Professor Michael Haussler, TPA Coordinator