A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZAbsences Absences, with pay Absence without leave, as resignation; reinstatementAcademic Advisement SubcommitteeAcademic Advising PhilosophyAcademic freedom Committee on Principles of Related proceduresAcademic Freedom and Professional Ethics CommitteeAcademic governance, assigned time Student participation Year-round operation Academic Grievance Policy, Grade Appeals Academic HonestyAcademic Information Resources SubcommitteeAcademic Notice, Disqualification, Extended Academic Notice, and Readmission Policy for Undergraduate StudentsAcademic personnel Disciplinary action procedures Grievance proceduresAcademic Program Discontinuance PolicyAcademic organizationAcademic Senate Academic Senate, general info Administrative committees, relation to Channels of communication and responsibilities Committee structure, philosophy Committees, organization chart Committees, reporting to Executive Committee Executive Committee, responsibilities Assigned time for Liaison Responsibilities Meetings, attendance at Respective roles, clarification of Responsibility Standing committee Attendance Chairs Elections Meetings Responsibilities Service onAcademic Senate, CSU Constitution Substitutes and AlternatesAccessible Instructional MaterialsACTCSPAdd and Drop deadlinesAdministration of the University Faculty and students President President's Advisory BoardAdministrative appointments, university-wide committeesAdministrative assignments Academic positions, use ofAdministrative Committees Relation to Academic Senate Terms of Office for faculty appointeesAdministrative personnel Appointment, formal consultation Procedures for Appointment, informal consultation Review, procedures forAdministrative policiesAdministrators Academic Academic rank, review of Retreat rights Rights of Central, appointment Formal consultation Informal consultation Review, procedures for Specified, procedures for reviewAdmission, foreign visa studentsAdmission policy, special action, GraduateAdmission to 5000-level coursesAdmissions Procedures, Policy for Establishing Graduate ProgramAdvisement Implementation, CSLAAdvisement, student, Statement of ResponsibilityAdvisement, AcademicAdvisory Board, President'sAdvisory Committee to the Trustees' Committee for the Selection of the PresidentAdvisory committeesAffiliate StatusAffirmative Action Plan Policy statementAffirmative Action, CSU Programs and Guidelines System policyAgreements of the UniversityAlcoholic Beverages, President's directive Use of on campusAnimal, Institutional Care and Use CommitteeAnimals, experimental objects University application to use laboratory animal subjects Use of Guiding principlesAnnuities, tax-shelteredAppeals, Board, University AcademicAppeals, Grade/Academic Grievance PolicyAppointment, academic administrative Administrators, central and college deans Assistant and associate college deans Department chairs Department associate chairsAppointment, faculty Grant-related TemporaryArchives, facultyArtifacts, grave Collections of Native American burial remainsAssessment Definition, purpose and guidelinesAssigned time academic governanceAssistant and Associate College and Library DeansAthletics Board, intercollegiateAthletics Program, intercollegiateAwards Committees External Awards (Wang and Carnegie) Faculty members Outstanding Professor PolicyAwards and Leaves CommitteeAcademic Senate Faculty Handbook Appendices Index Search