
We have gathered all available accessibility-related services for ease of access on this page. Where noted, access to some of these resources requires MyCalStateLA login credentials.

ITS Accessibility regularly monitors website and app accessibility. However, there may be occasions when a website, app owners, or developers require a comprehensive review of interface accessibility. When you request an interface review of your website or app, we will perform automated and manual tests and provide a comprehensive report on accessibility findings. Findings are presented in a standalone document that will help developers or content editors remediate accessibility barriers. To initiate a review, send an email to and include the following information:

  • Website URL or app name and download location
  • Your contact information

There may be a charge-back cost associated with this service, so your college approves all submissions. Academic Affairs covers the cost if you caption due to an accommodation request for a student enrolled in your course.

Submit video(s) for captioning (or audio description). Access to this resource requires MyCalStateLA login credentials.

Before submitting an ICT-PAR, you should:

  • Recognize that accessibility is an essential requirement for your ICT product
  • Ask the vendor about their product's accessibility conformance
  • Ask the vendor for their latest VPAT or other accessibility conformance documentation and attach it to your request
  • Point vendors unfamiliar with accessibility to our vendor requirements page
  • Be prepared to find an alternative product if a vendor is unwilling to engage in the necessary accessibility review process.
  • Review the Pre-Approved ICT list for technology that does not require the ICT-PAR before purchase or acquisition.

Submit an ICT-PAR via this link. Access to this resource requires MyCalStateLA login credentials.

If you have a document with accessibility issues, we can remediate it—PDFs, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.

Submit a document remediation requestAccess to this resource requires MyCalStateLA login credentials.

Faculty and Staff may request assistive technology be installed on your campus computer. ITS deploys and maintains the following assistive software applications for use on campus:

  • JAWS screen reader
  • ZoomText on-screen magnification
  • ZoomText Fusion hybrid magnification and screen reading
  • EquatIO
  • CommonLook Office
  • CommonLook PDF

Request assistive technology for an on-campus computerAccess to this resource requires MyCalStateLA login credentials.

Students, faculty, and staff are eligible for a home-use license of either JAWS, ZoomText, or ZoomText Fusion for use on a personal (non-university) computer. 
  • JAWS screen reader
  • ZoomText on-screen magnification
  • ZoomText Fusion hybrid magnification and screen reading

Go to the Freedom Scientific Home-Use Licensing webpage and enter your Cal State LA campus email address to install the above applications.

When ICT products or services do not fully conform to Section 508 accessibility standards, an Equally Effective Alternative Access Plan (EEAAP) is developed to provide a pre-planned alternate access method that addresses known accessibility barriers. With an EEAAP, users who may be affected by known accessibility barriers will have a way to get relief and reduce the burden accessibility barriers may present. Creating an EEAAP is a purposeful process before you begin; review the EEAAP webpage for guidance.

Submit an Equally Effective Alternate Access Plan (EEAAP) in ServiceNowAccess to this resource requires MyCalStateLA login credentials.

NOTE: for assistance with a general technology issue that is not accessibility-related, open an incident with the ITS Helpdesk. If you cannot interact with the web form, email the ITS Helpdesk.

Keep Cal State LA inclusive; if you encounter a web accessibility barrier, use our web form to alert us to the issue. There are no required fields on the web form, but the more information you provide will help us expedite a workaround or resolution. If you cannot interact with the web form, email the accessibility team.