The Forensics, Speech and Debate Team

Welcome to the Forensics Speech and Debate Team!

Forensics Team, 4 people

Our team is nationally recognized for our students' competitive success! 

Our club is made up of undergraduate students who work one-on-one with graduate students and faculty coaches to write, edit, practice, and perform speeches and debates at collegiate tournaments across the country.

When you join our team you will learn to use your voice to advocate for social justice and speak about issues that are important to you. You will learn lifelong skills such as self-confidence, and critical thinking, while winning trophies along the way! 

Forensics Team Fun

You should consider joining the team if you

  • Enjoy acting, drama, theatre, poetry/spoken word
  • Are funny or enjoy comedy
  • Want to strengthen your public speaking skills
  • Want to get more involved on campus 
  • Want to win trophies
  • Want to travel across the country 
  • Are interested in politics and social justice
  • Enjoy researching and writing

The Forensics Speech and Debate Team participates in:

Debate: The team actively participates in various forms of debate events including IPDA and NPDA

Speech: The team actively participates in all 11 AFA events: Informative Speaking, Persuasive Speaking, After-Dinner Speaking, Communication Analysis, Impromptu Speaking, Extemporaneous Speaking, Prose Interpretation, Dramatic Interpretation, Poetry Interpretation, Duo Interpretation, and Program Oral Interpretation

Contact Us: Contact Director of Forensics Melissa De Leon at

Or follow us on Instagram.

Join the Team: Enroll in Comm 2600. 

Already have competitive experience? Enroll in Comm 3600