Chicanx Latinx University Alumni Network

Img text: 50+ Years of Transforming Lives and Community

Mission Statement

Established in 2021, the Cal State LA Chicanx and Latinx University Alumni Network (CLUAN) exists to cultivate, promote, and support an inclusive community of alumni with the collaboration of students, faculty, and staff to engage in activities that advance educational, personal, intellectual, and cultural development. These goals will be achieved through mentoring programs and services, networking opportunities, and philanthropic initiatives that facilitate professional, social, and academic growth among the Chicanx/Latinx community.

All alumni, current students, staff, and faculty are invited to join any of our alumni networks.


Key Facts

  • In 1968, Cal State LA was the first in the United States to create an academic field dedicated to Chicano Studies (formerly known as Mexican American Studies).
  • We are the first public four-year institution on the West Coast to qualify for full membership in the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU).
  • Cal State LA is the first campus in the California State University system to be designated as a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI).

Learn more about our history


Network Leadership

Headshot of Paul Gomez with a golden border. He is smiling and wearing a blue sweater with a blue tie.

Paul Gomez (’88), Chair
Principal Public Relations Representative
City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works

Paul Gomez has more than 30 years of experience in the communications field, currently serving as the principal public relations representative for the City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works. Prior to this role, he was the publications supervisor for the Los Angeles Dodgers. Earning his B.A. in journalism in 1988, Paul gained early experience as a student, working as a sports information assistant in the University's Athletics Department and participating in various student organizations.

As a dedicated alumnus, Paul has been actively involved with the Alumni Association for over two decades. He has served on the Alumni Board of Directors, chaired multiple committees, mentored students through the Alumni Mentoring Program, and participates annually on the Alumni Scholarship Committee. He is a dedicated supporter of Cal State LA and continues to foster opportunities for future generations of Golden Eagles.


Upcoming Events

We are currently working to add more exciting activities to the calendar. To receive event updates and exclusive invitations, please be sure to join the Network using the form below.

Past Events

Chicanx Latinx University Alumni Network Mixer held on October 6, 2023

CLUAN First Anniversary Mixer

The greater Cal State LA community came together on October 6, 2023, to celebrate Latinx Heritage Month and the Chicanx Latinx University Alumni Network’s first anniversary. Guests were treated to performances by the Cal State LA Afro Latin Ensemble and John C. Fremont High School folklórico dancers.

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Chicanx Latinx University Alumni Network Mixer held on June 16, 2023 at Brewjeria

CLUAN Mixer @ Brewjería

The Chicanx Latinx University Alumni Network celebrated the start of summer with a mixer held at Brewjería Company on June 16, 2023. Brewjería was co-founded by alumnus Agustin Ruelas (’05).


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Inaugural Chicanx Latinx University Alumni Network Mixer held on September 15, 2022

CLUAN Inaugural Reception

On September 15, 2022, we launched the Chicanx Latinx University Alumni Network, our eighth and newest alumni affinity network.

Click here to view event photos


Connect with Us

To get further involved with the network — whether it be interest in a leadership role or ideas for a future event — please contact us at


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