Certificate Program in Bilingual Authorization

csula main walkway
csula main walkway

The Bilingual Authorization Certificate Program is designed to provide students who already have obtained their Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Education Specialist Teaching Credential an opportunity to add Bilingual Authorization approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). The program ensures that candidates have met the new Bilingual Authorization standards adopted by the CTC in 2008. With the adoption of the Bilingual Authorization Standards in California, the context, policies, and educational needs have expanded, particularly in preparing teachers to work with English Learners from diverse linguistic backgrounds in urban settings.

Candidates who obtain Bilingual Authorization will be able to:

  • Develop, implement, and adapt instruction for bilingual, dual language, and cross-cultural settings
  • Support classroom teachers who work in bilingual, dual language, and crosscultural settings, particularly those working with English learners
  • Obtain post-credential certification outside of the traditional credential pathways
  • Meet the Bilingual Authorization Standards 3, 4, and 5 through a required core of six courses
Students hanging out at the university dorms game room.

Admission Requirements

  • Meet the university requirements for admission to graduate study.
  • A 2.75 or higher grade point average in the last 90 quarter (or 60 semester) units attempted.
  • Successful completion of EDCI 4010 or EDSE 4301 or its equivalent.
  • For consultation with a faculty advisor please contact Dr. Veronica Gonzalez at vgonza150@calstatela.edu
  • A valid teaching credential issued by California or any state or be in the process of completing a teaching credential.
  • Completion of the application for admission to the Bilingual Authorization Certificate Program.