Awards and Scholarships

2024 Grads

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry recognizes the many accomplishments of our students with awards and scholarships. In 2022, we awarded over $23,000 in scholarship funds. You may qualify!

The Department is very grateful to our faculty, alumni, and friends who help us celebrate student achievement. If you are interested in supporting our students through an award, please contact the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department.

(Updated 02/07/2025)

The university uses ONE application to match undergraduate and graduate students with scholarships. Fill out the scholarship using Cal State LA's Financial Aid Scholarship Webpage. The form has 15 questions. Among these, you will be asked to:

  • provide community service or volunteer work (list dates and duties)
  • list any honors and awards
  • write a personal statement describing your academic and career goals (be sure to indicate how your past achievements, challenges/hardships, or family influence has shaped your goals. Also, explain how a scholarship can help you achieve your goals (2 pages, double-spaced, max limit)
  • provide a confidential reference or letter of recommendation (ask a professor, from a class where you earned a B or better, or your research advisor)
  • for question 8) where you are asked about extracurricular involvement at Cal State LA, be sure to mention your work in a research laboratory or include any volunteer service to the community or any activities that emphasize your interest in your career such as pre-health activities or involvement in student organizations such as the Chemistry and Biochemistry Club, if applicable
  • for question 11) where you are asked to "Please list any special emphasis and/or studies to your program at Cal State LA, be sure to mention any research activities.

The scholarship application opens on March 3, 2025 until April 18, 2025. 

For more information, contact the Center for Student Financial Aid and Scholarships.


The Grifols Scholarship is awarded to a full-time undergraduate student (sophomore, junior, or senior) majoring in Chemistry, Biochemistry, or Microbiology who has demonstrated scholastic achievement (GPA of at least 3.0), and has shown potential for an outstanding career in chemistry, biochemistry, or microbiology. The scholarship nominees are submitted to the Dean of the College and final selection is made by the Dean of Natural and Social Sciences.

The ACS Organic Chemistry Award is given to an undergraduate student in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry whose overall GPA is ~3.4 and who has demonstrated high academic achievement in Chemistry 3200 during the current academic year.

The Anthony J. Andreoli Scholarship recipient is an undergraduate in biochemistry or microbiology major with junior or senior standing. Selection will be made on the basis of the student's potential for research in chemistry and biochemistry. See the previous winners of the Andreoli Award.

The Gutierrez-Tunstad Scholarship is given to an organic chemistry undergraduate research student (junior or senior standing) with a minimum of 3.0 GPA, is Ph.D. bound, and exhibits good mentorship toward his/her peers.

The Robert Loudon Service Award is presented to an undergraduate student in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry who, in scholastic attainment, character, and service to the department, most closely embodies the attainments of the late Robert Loudon.

The Lloyd N. Ferguson Scholarship is awarded to a Chemistry or Biochemistry major (full-time status) with a GPA of at least 2.5 and who has demonstrated service/leadership experience in the Black community. The award may also be given to an incoming freshman student with a GPA of 3.0 or higher high school avaerage, a recommendation from a high school chemistry teacher, and service or leadershp in the Black community.

The John Spielman Award in Freshman Chemistry is awarded to a student in general chemistry whose record honors the memory of Dr. John Spielman and to the spirit of those who benefited from the kind of help that Dr. Spielman gave. He devoted over 25 years to the Department of Chemistyr. The awarded student must have earned the grade of "A" in Chemistry 1100 during the academic year.

The CRC Freshman Chemistry Achievement Award is presented to a first-year undergraduate chemistry student from the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry who has demonstrated outstanding scholastic achievement and ability in General Chemistry.

The Douglas L. Currell Endowed Scholarship is awarded to a student with Chemistry or Biochemistry major for outstanding classroom performance in biochemistry and another area of chemistry. The scholarship intends to encourage students who show promise for interdisciplinary work at the interface of Chemistry and Biochemistry.

The Katherine Carter Award for Scientific Writing is awarded to a student in honor of Katherine Carter, a professor of English at Cal State LA, who died from breast cancer at the age of 40. The endowment came from funds donated in her name by Hendrick Keyzer, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, from his Statewide Outstanding Professor Award. This scholarship will be awarded to a student who writes the top paper in Chem 3100 during the academic year.

The Graduate Student Award is given to a gradaute student within the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry who has demonstrated the best overall achievement in professional performance, including classwork, performance as an instructor in a classroom, and who has shown other substantial contributions to the Department.

The Tagawa Scholarship is awarded to an upper division pre-dental undergraduate student in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry who has demonstrated scholastic achievement and who has financial need. The scholarship nominations are submitted to the Dean of the College of Natural and Social Sciences, and the final selection is made by the Tagawa family.

The Outstanding Teaching Associate Award is presented to a graduate student to acknowledge their exceptional teaching performance in our courses. This award was proposed by Dr. Selke and Dr. Paulson.

The Phoebe K. Dea Scholarship in Analytical Chemistry  is presented to an undergraduate junior or senior standing in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. The student is awarded based on their demonstrated aptitute for a career in the analytical chemistry field.

The The Student Award in Chemistry (endowed by a $5,000 donation from the Northrop Corporation) intends to foster student interest in polymers and material science. The scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student with a major in Chemistry or Biochemistry who has demonstrated an aptitude for these areas by demonstrating academic achievement in courses such as general chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, or through research work.

The Rashad E. Razouk Scholarship is awarded to an outstanding junior with Chemistry as their declared major and is maintaining a 3.3 GPA. Preference will be provided to students performing in undergraduate research in physical chemistry.ashad E. Razouk ScholarshipThe Rashad E. Razouk Scholarship

The Richard Keys Scholarship in Chemistry is awarded to a student who performed well in the physical chemistry sequence which covered either spectroscopy or quantum chemistry during the academic year.

The Raymond E. Garcia Memorial Scholarship was established in honor of Dr. Raymond E. Garcia, a professor of biochemistry, who died of cancer on Oct. 5, 2014. His uncompromising advocacy in support of others, and his 32 years of dedication to the faculty and the university at large, made him a pillar of the department. This scholarship aims to embody the spirit and legacy of a dear friend and beloved professor. The scholarship is presented to a biochemistry major (undergraduate or master's student- biochemistry option) who has shown dedication to advancing the sciences through biochemistry research and embody a spirit of teamwork and collaboration, fostering a collegial atmosphere in the laboratory. The awardee should also have the capacitiy to communicate effectively through oral presentations. Personal essays are required to address the following questions:

  • How have you advanced the sciences through biochemistry research? Be sure to mention how you have fostered a spirit of teamwork in the laboratory and effectively communicated science through oral presentations (750 words maximum).
  • How will this award assist you in achieving your personal and academic aspirations? (750 words maximum).

The Vicki Kubo-Anderson Endowed Scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate or graduate student who shows potential in pursuing their degree in chemistry or biochemistry. No minimum GPA is required; part-time and full-time students are eligible. One additional essay is required.

The Jacobo M. Patlán Memorial Scholarship provides support for students to defray educational expenses of a student enrolled in a pre-health curriculum. Applicants must be enrolled in a pre-health curriculum or a program which will lead to a career in the health sciences or services. Recommended students will be reviewed by the Jacobo M. Patlán Board of Directors.