Chemistry and Biochemistry Club at Cal State LA

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The Chemistry and Biochemistry Club is dedicated to helping all majors succeed professionally and academically. We host speakers from academia and industry, organize peer tutoring, assist with test prep study groups and professional development, community outreach, and more!

Reach us @chemcsula on Instagram,, or join our Discord server by scanning the QR code below:

Discord Server QR Code


Week 7: Meet Dr. Darryl Boyd, 2023's Lloyd N. Ferguson Lecture Keynote Speaker
Thursday, March 9, 2023
from 3:30pm-4:30pm
Location: Biological Sciences 159

Dr. Boyd works as a Research Chemist and Materials Scientist with US Naval Research Laboratory. Come and get a chance to meet Dr. Boyd and learn about his specialty and having a career in Chemistry!


Week 9 3/17 or 3/24 Friday. Time TBD. Topic: Alumni industry panel; Zoom or On Campus *CBC will invite alums to host a panel to discuss their industry careers. A list of alums will be provided at a later date.

Week 11-14 Preview day (Volunteering Opportunity)

Week 12 Chemistry & Biochemistry Election!


Fall 2022 Chemistry Club Events

Spring 2023 Chemistry Club Events