Chemistry and Biochemistry Club

Logo for chemistry and biochemistry club


The Chemistry and Biochemistry Club is a student-organization made up by students who are dedicated to helping all majors succeed professionally and academically. The club hosts numerous events throughout the schoolyear, including: 

  • speakers from the academia and the industry to speak about professional opportunities for STEM majors
  • organize peer tutoring
  • assistance with test preparation study groups
  • professional development
  • community outreach
  • and more!

Share with us any stories, accomplishments, events, and more that you would like the Chemistry and Biochemistry Club to advertise and share in our newsletter. Submit to our Newsletter Submission Form.

Sign up for our newsletter:

Newsletter 2023-2024




Interested in helping fellow Golden Eagles, while gaining volunteer experience? Scan the QR code to sign up to be a Chemistry or Biochemistry tutor! 

Tutoring Recruitment

Upcoming Events

Join the Chemistry and Biochemistry Club for their first event in Fall 2024: Popsicle Hour at the Ferguson Courtyard on Monday, Sept. 9, 2024 from 12-2pm.

Meet the members of Chemistry and Biochemistry Club, learn about their services including tutoring, and get a free popsicle! 

CBC popsicle hour


Previous Events


National Chemistry Week October 17-21, 2022
  National Chemistry Week Event Schedule

List of activities and events for the National Chemistry Week:

Monday, Oct. 17, 2022
Opening Statement/Introduction to Industry (via Zoom) 4:30-5:30 pm
Opening State by Dr. Krishna Foster, Chemistry and Biochemistry Dept. Chair
Guest speaker: Dr. Vivian Medina, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company
Zoom link: Click here

Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2022
Hydrophobic effects on Waterproof Fabric (in front of La Kretz Hall) 2:00-4:00 pm
We will investigate hydrophobicity effect using waterproof spray and explain its concept.

Thursday, Oct. 20, 2022
Tie Dye/Designing Labcoats (in front of La Kretz Hall) 1:00-3:00pm
Come out and design your lab coats! We will provide some fabrics to draw cool chemistry molecules!

Friday, Oct. 21, 2022
Student Researcher Talk (via Zoom) 12:00-1:00 pm
Student Researchers: Angel Arrendondo and Pavithra Wijeratne, Alumni and Current Graduate Student
Future Events Announcements
Zoom link: Click here

Week 2 1/31 Tuesday 11-2 pm. Club Fair! Location: On campus-main campus walkway

Week 3 2/10 Friday 12-1 pm. Speaker: Dr. Brenda Andrade-Rounds; Topic: How to maximize your potential at CSULA; ZOOM

Dr. Andrade Guest Speaker

Feb. 24, 2023, Friday.
Time: 12pm-1 pm
Guest Speaker: Dr. Costello L. Brown 
Topic: Dr. Ferguson’s legacy and his impact; ZOOM


Dr. Ferguson Event


Week 7: Meet Dr. Darryl Boyd, 2023's Lloyd N. Ferguson Lecture Keynote Speaker
Thursday, March 9, 2023
from 3:30pm-4:30pm
Location: Biological Sciences 159

Dr. Boyd works as a Research Chemist and Materials Scientist with US Naval Research Academy. Come and meet Dr. Boyd and learn more about his specialty and having a career in Chemistry!

Week 9: Alumni Industry Panel
Friday, March 17, 2023
Time: 5-6pm
Location: Zoom (see flyer for meeting ID)

The Chemistry and Biochemistry Club invites Cal State LA alumni to host a panel and discuss their industry careers.


Alumni Panel


Week 11-14: Preview Day! (with opportunities to volunteer!)
Week 12: Chemistry and Biochemistry Election 


chem week 2

Join us in kicking off Chemistry Week on October 16, 2023 by welcoming Dr. Jose Zavala who will discuss unconventional paths in STEM. Scan the QR code for more updates!

To access the recording:
Passcode: 8rd#l6fn

Chem week 2023

Join us on October 17, 2023 from 11 am-12 pm to welcome three speakers who will provide discussion and insight into pursuing research and doctoral experience!

To access the recording:
Passcode: ?zX8P.gE




Join us at every first Monday of the month from 12pm-2pm for coffee, snacks, and Chemistry at Biological Sciences 302. We hope to see you there!

Spring 2024 Coffee Hour



On February 8 at 10 a.m., Dr. Caitlin Scott is joining us as a guest speaker to discuss her current projects in her research lab. Join us via Zoom to learn more about research at Cal State LA and meet Dr. Scott!
Zoom ID: 827 7244 2554

Caitlin Scott


On February 9 at 11 a.m., Dr. Yixian Wang is joining us as a guest speaker who will speak to her experiences as a researcher in the field of Chemistry. Join us via Zoom to learn more about research at Cal State LA!
Zoom ID: 867 8920 3487

Yixian Wang