
Biomedical Engineering Minor Program

Curriculum (effective Fall 2025)

A minimum of 16 units of which 9 units must come from the upper division level. 

Required Courses (7 units):                                                                                                               

BME 2800      Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (3)         

BME 2801      Biomedical Engineering Laboratory (1)   

BME 2810      Biomedical Inquiry Through a Data Science Lens (3)


Elective courses (9 units):

Select three courses from one of the following groups related to your Major:


ME 4500             Biomechanics of Human Movement (3)                                                                                            

ME 4510             Mechanics of Biological Tissues (3) 

ME 4520             Impact Biomechanics (3)                                                                                           

ME 4590             Biomechanical Engineering Design (3)                                                                              

ME 4990             Undergraduate Directed Study (3)

Bioelectrical Signals, Devices, and Systems

EE 3810           Sensors, Data Acquisition, and Instrumentation with Applications in BME  (3)   (ME / EE Majors)

EE 4810           Biomedical Devices (3)

EE 4820           Biomedical Signal Processing (3)                                                                               

EE 4990           Undergraduate Directed Study (3)

Software Engineering

CS 4540          (Consult BME advisor)

CS 4550          Computer Graphics

CS 4635          Modeling and Simulation

CS 4660          Artificial Intelligence

CS 4661          Introduction to Data Science

CS 4665          Introduction to Data Visualization


Old Curriculum (effective Fall 2021 through Spring 2024)

A minimum of 16 units of which 9 units must come from the upper division level.  

Required Courses (10 units):                                                                                                               

BIOL 2040         Human Physiology (4)         

EE / ME 2801      Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (3)   

Select one of the following based on your Major:

EE 3810            Sensors, Data Acquisition, and Instrumentation with Applications in BME  (3)   (ME / EE Majors)


CS 3337           Software Engineering (3)    (CS Majors)                                                                                 

Elective courses (6 units):

Select two courses from one of the following groups related to your Major:


ME 4500             Biomechanics (3)                                                                                            

ME 4510             Biomaterials (3)                                                                                            

ME 4590             Rehabilitation Design & Internship (3)                                                                              

ME 4990             Directed Study (3)

Bioelectrical Signals, Devices, and Systems

EE 4630           Machine Learning Principles and Application (3)

EE 4810           Biomedical Devices (3)

EE 4820           Biomedical Signal Processing (3)                                                                               

EE 4990          Directed Study (3)                                                                                         

Biomedical Software Engineering

BINF 4000       Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (3)

CS 4540          Topics in Advanced Computer Science (3)

CS 4550          Computer Graphics (3)

CS 4660          Artificial Intelligence (3)

CS 4661          Introduction to Data Science (3)


Course Descriptions (units)

Required Courses:

BME 2800 – Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (3)
Prerequisite: None. Introduction to the field of biomedical engineering. Basic human anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology of diseases, biomedical devices, and technology. Exposure to applications and the various subfields of biomedical engineering. 

BME 2801 – Biomedical Engineering Laboratory (1)
Prerequisite: None.  Exercises in career exploration in the Biomedical Engineering (BME) field. Students will conduct laboratory exercises in teams that expose students to interdisciplinary skills and tools in BME.

BME 2810 – Biomedical Inquiry Through a Data Science Lens (3)
Prerequisite: None.  Data-driven scientific inquiry of human physiology and pathology as well as how medical devices and therapies would interact with the human body. Fundamentals of biomedical data, data formats, software tools to read in, analyze, and visualize data to formulate and test hypotheses related to human health and biomedical science. Biomedical science topics cover a broad range of physiology and health issues.

Elective Courses:

CS 3337 – Software Engineering (3)

Prerequisite: CS 2013. Corequisite: ENGL 2030. Methodologies and tools for requirements analysis and design of large complex software system; process models, project planning, tracking, documentation, communication, and quality assurance; group laboratory project; oral and written presentations. Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 3 hours.

CS 4540 – Topics in Advanced Computer Science (3)

Current topics of special interest to students in computer science, as announced in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated to a maximum of 20 units of credit as topic changes.

CS 4550 – Computer Graphics (3)

Prerequisites: CS 3112, MATH 2550. Programming in object oriented graphics environment implementing primitive operations in two and three dimensions; image modeling using affine transformations; polygonal meshes and other topics. Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 3 hours.

CS 4660 – Artificial Intelligence (3)

Prerequisite: CS 3112. Knowledge representation; problem solving strategies and search algorithms; applications from such areas as theorem proving, expert systems, natural language processing, robotics, and pattern recognition.

CS 4661 – Introduction to Data Science (3)

Prerequisite: CS 3112. Algorithms, tools, and techniques for extracting knowledge or insight from large-scale data, and use it for future purposes such as prediction, classification, and visualization.

EE 4630 – Machine Learning Principles and Application (3)

Prerequisites: EE 3020, EE 3040. Review of linear algebra and probability theory, statistical inference, feature extraction, clustering, classification, independent component analysis, time series modeling, regression analysis, curve fitting, model extraction, neural networks, fuzzy logic.

EE 4810 – Biomedical Devices (3)
Prerequisites: EE 2040, EE 3810. Introduction to engineering of biomedical devices; use of electronic circuit design in medical instrumentation with a focus on implantable devices; electronic device design of neural prostheses and signal conditioning circuitry.

EE 4820 – Biomedical Signal Processing (3)
Prerequisites: EE 3020, EE 3810. Signal processing techniques to analyze bioelectrical signals for biomedical applications, such as diagnostics of neurological disorders and development of neurostimulation therapies.

EE 4990 – Undergraduate Directed Study (3)
Prerequisites: Permission needed by department. Project selected in conference with the sponsor before registration; progress meeting held regularly, and a final report submitted. 

ME 4500 – Biomechanics of Human Movement (3)
Prerequisites: ME 2050, ME 3200. Applications of engineering mechanics to the study of human movement.  Anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system, anthropometry, joint and muscle mechanics, forward and inverse dynamics, experimental and computational methods.

ME 4510 – Mechanics of Biological Materials (3)
Prerequisites: CHEM 1040, ME 2070, ME 2050. Biological tissue mechanical properties; constitutive models of elastic, visco-elastic, and elastoplastic behavior, damage and fatigue criteria.

ME 4520 – Impact Biomechanics (3)
Prerequisites: ME 2050, ME 3200. Application of mechanical engineering principles to the study of biomechanical response of the body to impacts and human tissue tolerance.  Use of engineering design principles in injury prevention.

ME 4590 – Biomechanical Engineering Design (3)

Prerequisite: ME 3200. Corequisite: ME 3210 or 4210. Principles of mechanical design and biomechanics applied to devices that interact with the human body.  Applications covering injury prevention devices, bone-implant systems, rehabilitation engineering, and the design of assistive technology.  

ME 4990 – Undergraduate Directed Study (3)
Prerequisites: Permission needed by department. Project selected in conference with the sponsor before registration; progress meeting held regularly, and a final report submitted.