
CE 1950 Introduction to Civil Engineering Design (2)
Prerequisites: ENGR 1500, CE 2020, PHYS 2100.
Introduction to civil engineering design including problem identification, data gathering, analysis, feasibility study, alternative design, decision making and communication.

(Lecture 1 hour, Laboratory 3 hours)

CE 2010 Statics  (3)  (also listed as ME 2010)
Prerequisites: MATH 2120, PHYS 2100 both with a minimum C grade.
Fundamental principles of statics, resolution and composition of forces, algebraic and graphic solutions, friction, center of gravity, moment of inertia.
(Lecture 3 hours)

CE 2020 Plane Surveying  (2)
Prerequisite: MATH 1040 or satisfactory score on mathematics placement test.
Principles and practices of measurement of distances, directions, and elevations;  care and use of level, transit, plane table;  mapping practice, and symbols.

(Laboratory 6 hours)

CE 2050 Strength of Materials I (also listed as ME 2050) (3)
Prerequisite: CE/ME 2010 with a minimum C grade.
Stresses and strains under axial, shearing, and torsional forces;  flexural stresses and deflections of simple beams;  columns; and combined stresses. 
(Lecture 3 hours)

CE 2120 Matrix Algebra and Statistics for Engineers  (3)  (also listed as ME 2120)
Prerequisite:  MATH 2120.
Introduction to calculations using vectors; matrix operation; solution of linear simultaneous equations; coordinate transformation; probability distributions and densities; concepts in statistics; application to engineering problems.
(Lecture 3 hours)

CE 2800 - Numerical Methods for Engineers I  (also listed as ME 3800) (1)
Prerequisites:  CE 2120/MATH 2550
This course focuses on equipping students with the basic computing skills. Students will need throughout their engineering disciplines. The emphasis is on translating open-ended problems into algorithm development and implementation to solve basic numerical problems. Topics include an introduction to basic engineering problems and their conceptualization through mathematical models, and introduction to algorithm development and implementation into a computer program.
(Laboratory 3 hours) 

CE 2840 - Environmental Engineering  (3)
Prerequisite:  CHEM 1040 and MATH 2120.
This course provides an overview of natural environmental systems and processes with special emphasis placed on the interactions among environmental systems (e.g., air, water, and soil) and between humans and technology and the environment. Topics include occurrence and movement of surface water and groundwater, water and sewage treatment, air pollution, climate change, modeling, hazardous and solid waste management, green engineering, and nutrient and contaminant cycling.
(Laboratory 3 hours)

CE 3000 Economics for Engineers (3)
Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing in Engineering.
Basic economic concepts and principles, costs and benefits analysis,  alternative designs, economic viability of engineering solutions in broader context.
(Lecture 3 hours)

ENGR 3010 Ethics and Professionalism in Engineering (3)
Prerequisite: Junior or Senior standing in Engineering.
Ethical issues in engineering profession; impact of engineering profession on society; professional registration and liability; ethical standards and legal responsibilities; leadership and project management; public policy; principles of sustainability in design and engineering practice.
(Lecture 3 hours)

CE 3030 Fluid Mechanics I  (3)  (also listed as ME 3030)
Prerequisite: PHYS 2100. CE/ME 2010 with a minimum C grade.
Fundamental principles and methods of fluid mechanics;  thermodynamics of fluid flow;  Newtonian fluids;  equations of fluid flow;  laminar and turbulent flow;  applications. 
(Lecture 3 hours)

CE 3060 Communication for Civil Engineers (2)
Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of the GE Block A, B4, and one additional course in Block B, Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR), ENGL 2030, and at least one course each from Block C and Block D.
Exposure to key communication skills encountered in civil engineering practice. Integration of oral and written communication skills centered around a civil engineering design project. Individual and team assignments.
(Lecture 1 hour, laboratory 3 hours)

CE 3120 Strength of Materials Laboratory I  (1)  (also listed as ME 3120)
Prerequisites: CE/ME 2050.
Tests of engineering materials in tension, compression, bending, and torsion;  verification by experiment;  basic theories learned in strength of materials. 
(Laboratory 3 hours)

CE 3140 Hydraulics Laboratory I  (1)
Prerequisites: CE/ME 3030 and PHYS 2200.
Experiments on fluid properties, fluid statics, conservation of mass, energy, and momentum, pressure flow, open channel hydraulics, and fluid resistance. 
(Laboratory 3 hours)

CE 3200 Dynamics for Civil Engineers  (2)  
Prerequisite:  CE/ME 2010 with a minimum grade of C, MATH 2150 and PHYS 2200.
Plane kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies; Newton’s second law, work-energy and impulse-momentum methods; mass flow; structural vibrations. 
(Lecture 2 hours)

CE 3520 Technological Aspects of Urban Environment (3)
Prerequisite: Completion of Basic Subjects (Block A) and one course from Block B.
Current engineering practice in dealing with urban problems such as financial, transportation, pollution, communications, public utilities, land use planning and public health. Not acceptable for engineering technical elective credit.

CE 3580 Environment, Earth Systems and Technology (3)
Prerequisite: Completion of Basic Subjects (Block A) and one course from Block B.
Consider the role of technology in the changing relationships between human societies and their environment; studies the impact of the agricultural, industrial and information revolutions on natural systems and sustainability.

CE 3600 Structural Mechanics I  (3)
Prerequisite: CE/ME 2050 with a minimum grade of C.
Analysis of determinate structures:  beams, frames, and cables. Introduction to influence lines and analysis of indeterminate structures.
(Lecture 3 hours) 

CE 3610 Introduction to Structural Design (3)
Prerequisites: CE 1950, CE 3200, CE 3600.
Loads on buildings and load distribution in framed structures, codes and specifications, design of simple beams, columns and tension members made from steel and concrete.
(Lecture 3 hours)

CE 3650 Specifications, Cost Estimating, and Construction Management (3)
Prerequisite: Upper Division Standing.
Introduction to the principles of project management in the context of the construction industry.
(Lecture 3 hours)

CE 3660 Geotechnical Engineering I  (3)
Prerequisites:  CE/ME  2050 with a minimum grade of C; prerequisite or corequisite: CE/ME 3030.
Physical and mechanical properties of soils, classification, permeability, seepage,  compaction, effective stress, stress distribution, consolidation, settlement, Mohr’s Circles, shear strength and testing methods.
(Lecture 3 hours)

CE 3680 Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory  (1)
Prerequisites: CE  3660, CE 3120.
Determination of index and strength properties of soils. Tests include: sieve and hydrometer analysis, permeability, compaction, sand cone, unconfined compression, consolidation, and direct shear. 
(Laboratory 3 hours)

CE 3700 Transportation Engineering  (3)
Prerequisites: CE 2020.
Fundamental principles for analysis, planning, design, and operation of transportation systems.
(Lecture 3 hours)

CE 3720 Asphaltic Materials Laboratory  (1) 
Prerequisite: CE/ME 3120.
Laboratory tests on asphalt cement and aggregates;  design of asphaltic mixtures;  proportioning of asphalt cement and aggregates; preparation of test specimens.
(Laboratory 3 hours)

CE 3740 Civil Engineering Materials (3)
Prerequisites: CHEM 1040, CE/ME 3120, CE 3610, CE 3660.
Introduction to structure, properties, and testing of civil engineering materials such as steel, cement, concrete, asphalt, aggregates, soil, wood, and polymers. 
(Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 3 hours)

CE 3800 - Numerical Methods for Engineers II (2)
Prerequisites: CE 2800, MATH 2150.
Applied numerical methods for engineers with computer applications. 
(Laboratory 6 hours)

CE 3810 Computer Aided Design Laboratory (1)
Prerequisite: CE/ME 3030, CE 3610, CE 3700.
Use of computer-aided visualization, comprehension and graphical representation in planning and design of civil engineering projects.
(Laboratory 3 hours)

CE 3820 Computer Aided Structural Analysis, Design and Experimentation Laboratory (1)
Prerequisites: CE/ME 3120, CE 3610.
Computer aided structural analysis and design using structural simulation software as encountered in practice. Computer aided structural experimentation and comparison of experimental results with structural analysis software. 
(Laboratory 3 hours)

CE 3840 Environmental Engineering II  (2)
Prerequisites: CE 2840.
This course is the second in the required core environmental engineering series. Discussion on natural environmental systems will continue, with special emphasis on the role and sustainability of engineered systems (i.e., water/wastewater treatment plants, landfills, remediation technologies, etc.). Greater focus on the fundamentals of the fate and transport of contaminants and nutrients in air, surface waters, groundwater and soils. 
(Lecture 1 hours, laboratory 3 hours)

CE 3860 Water Resources Engineering  (3)
Prerequisite: CE /ME 3030.
Water supply, hydraulic machinery, open channel flow, introduction to surface and groundwater hydrology.
(Lecture 3 hours)

CE 4870 Hydraulics I (3)
Prerequisite: CE/ME 3030.
Introduction to open channel flow, gradually varied flow, hydraulic machinery, and introduction to unsteady flow.
(Lecture 3 hours)

CE 3980 Cooperative Education (1-3)
Prerequisites: Approval of student adviser and department chair.
Integration of civil engineering work experience with academic program, individually planned through coordinator. Minimum of 10 hours per week required for each unit. Graded CR/ NC.

CE 4000-Level Courses
All 4000-level courses may be applied toward masters degree requirements subject to limits established by department and approval of a graduate adviser: 

CE 4020 Strength of Materials II  (3)
Prerequisites: CE/ME 2050, MATH 2150.
Stress-strain relationship in three dimensions, energy principles; theories of failure, curved beams, thick wall cylinders, shear center, unsymmetrical bending, and torsion in noncircular sections.
(Lecture 3 hours)

CE 4140 Hydraulics Laboratory II  (1)
Prerequisite:  CE/ME 3140;  prerequisite or corequisite: CE 3860.
Experiments on pressure flow, free surface flow, pumps, turbines, and unsteady flow.  
(Laboratory 3 hours)

CE 4540 Special Topics in Civil Engineering (1-3)
Prerequisites: Senior standing in engineering; enrollment subject to approval of instructor in charge.
Group study of selected topics not currently offered as technical electives; study groups may be organized in advanced civil engineering subjects upon approval of instructor.

CE 4540L Special Topics in Civil Engineering (1)
Prerequisites: Senior standing in engineering; enrollment subject to approval of instructor in charge.
Group study of selected topics not currently offered as technical electives; study groups may be organized in advanced civil engineering subjects upon approval of instructor. Tests include physical tests of cement, aggregates and other agents, mix design; workability and strength tests. Concrete canoe design and construction.
(Laboratory 3 hours)

No longer a (DE) after fall 2024 CE 4570 Construction Cost Estimation & Financial Management (3)
Prerequisites: CE 3650; Recommended: CE/ME 3000
Design of the construction process. Quantity surveying and cost estimation, cash flow analysis and financial management, value engineering. Design of needed temporary structures. Application of software to manage the cost aspect of construction projects.
(Lecture 2 hours, Laboratory 3 hours)

CE 4600 Structural Mechanics II  (3)
Prerequisite: CE 3600.
Analysis of indeterminate structures; moment distribution, slope deflection, and approximation methods; three dimensional frames and long span structures. 
(Lecture 3 hours)

CE 4730 Pavement Design Laboratory  (1)
Prerequisite(s): CE 3120/ME 3120
Basic tests performed in evaluation of treated and untreated bases, subbases, and subgrades necessary for pavement thickness design. 
(Laboratory 3 hours)

CE 4740 Traffic Engineering  (3)
Prerequisite: CE 3700.
Elements of traffic engineering;  vehicle, driver, and road characteristics;  capacity and flow determination;  signalized intersections;  parking and accident studies;  street, freeway, and mass transit operations.
(Lecture 3 hours)

CE 4750 Advanced Geomatics  (3)
Prerequisite: CE 2020, CE 3700.
Advanced geomatics, including triangulation, global positioning system (GPS), design and field layout of a spiraled horizontal curve including a vertical curve, and earthwork determination. 
(Lecture 1 hours, laboratory 6 hours)

CE 4790 Groundwater Contamination and Remediation  (3)
Prerequisite: CE 3840.Study of the fate of contaminants in the subsurface environment. Focus is on the transport of chemicals through porous media including possible transformations (chemical, physical, and biological). 
(Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 3 hours).

CE 4800 Environmental Modeling  (3)
Prerequisite: CE 3840.
This course introduces basic tools and processes used to model complex environmental systems. The emphasis is on physical, chemical and biological processes used in the development of environmental models. Topics include development of mass-balance-based numerical models, capturing, storing, analyzing, and displaying geographically referenced data, application of environmental models to evaluate pollutant fate and transport in air and water, and model evaluation. 
(Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 3 hours).

CE 4830 Hydrology I  (3)
Prerequisite: CE/ME 3030.
Precipitation, evaporation, infiltration, transpiration, and runoff; methods of predicting discharge from precipitation, flood routing, and measurement of hydrologic processes.
(Lecture 3 hours).

CE 4960 Civil Engineering Design Project I (2)
Prerequisites: ENGR 3010 ,3060, 3610, 3660, 3700, 3800, 3840, 3860, CE/ME/EE 3000.
Design of a civil engineering project requiring integration of acquired knowledge. Alternative analysis that incorporates both technical and non-technical constraints. Understand engineering solutions and profession in broader context. Individual and group work required. A preliminary report and oral presentation required. CE 4960 and 4970 must be taken in consecutive semesters.
(Laboratory 6 hours)

CE 4970 Civil Engineering Design Project II (2)
Prerequisite: CE 4960.
Continuation of design project initiated in CE 496A. Complete analysis and design of system including application of constraints. Preparation of final design report, including: memoranda, computations, drawings, cost estimates etc. Individual and group work required. Final written and oral report is required. CE 496A and 496B must be taken in consecutive quarters in the same academic year.
(Lecture 1 hour, Laboratory 3 hours)

CE 4990 Undergraduate Directed Study (1-3)
Prerequisite: CE 4960 and CE 4970 /Senior Standing.
Project selected in conference with the sponsor before registration; progress meetings held regularly, and a final report submitted. May be repeated for credit.

CE 4610 (DE) Design of Steel Structures  (3)
Prerequisites: CE 3600, CE 3610.
Design of steel structures; lateral buckling of beams and frames, built-up beams, girders and trusses; moment connections, torsion and unsymmetrical bending; diaphragms and lateral force designs.
(Lecture 3 hours) 

CE 4620 (DE) Reinforced Concrete Design I  (3)
Prerequisites: CE 3600, CE 3610.
Strength design of reinforced concrete structures, beams, slabs, frames, columns, footings, and retaining walls. 
(Lecture 3 hours)

CE 4630 (DE) Timber and Masonry Design  (3)
Prerequisites: CE 3600, CE 3610.
Wood properties and design of wood structural elements, plywood and glulam products;  reinforced masonry  (brick and concrete) units, material properties, design of reinforced masonry structural elements.
(Lecture 3 hours)

CE 4650 (DE) Seismic Design  (3)
Prerequisites: CE 3610.
Earthquake and ground motion characteristics, structural response to support motions, lateral force resisting systems, determination of seismic forces, design of buildings for lateral loads.
(Lecture 3 hours)

CE 4670 (DE) Geotechnical Engineering Design I  (3)
Prerequisite: CE 3660.
Site investigation and subsurface exploration, geotechnical design of shallow and deep foundations, earth retaining structures,  and slope stability.
(Lecture 3 hours)

CE 4710 (DE) Highway Engineering (3)
Prerequisites: CE 3700, CE 2020.
Introduction to principles of highway design including route location, geometric of horizontal and vertical curves, earthwork computations, drainage designs; computer applications.
(Lecture 3 hours)

CE 4720 (DE) Highway and Airport Pavement Design  (3)
Prerequisites: CE 3680, 3700.
Theory and principles of pavement design for highways and airports; effects of soil characteristics and physical properties of basic materials; testing procedures. Grading ABC/NC.
(Lecture 3 hours)

CE 4840 (DE) Environmental Engineering Design  (3)
Prerequisite: CE 3840.
This course focuses on the analysis and design of environmental systems including water and wastewater treatment plants, treatment lagoons, air pollution prevention equipment, industrial waste treatment facilities, groundwater remediation, and other pertinent engineered systems. 
(Lecture 2 hours, laboratory 3 hours).