Summer Transition into ECST Program (STEP) – STEP is to provide access to educational development and excellence in mathematics for ECST incoming freshman students. It targets the inadequate preparation in mathematics, which hinders many students from pursuing an engineering degree in a successful and timely manner. STEP aims at helping students reinforce their math skills and bridge them to the next level in mathematics before starting their first semester at Cal State LA. In addition, this retention program establishes an early support network and fosters personal relationships among freshman students, student leaders, faculty, and staff to aid with the transition from high school to college and provides various personal development workshops to assist with the academic rigors students may face during their first-year-experience in the College of ECST. More About STEP
First Year Experience (FYrE@ECST) - FYrE@ECST is a first-year cohort program that provides students with skills and support for their ongoing success at ECST. Launched in 2015, FYrE@ECST supports student retention and success through hands-on engineering, physics, and computing courses, opportunities for students to develop lasting relationships through block scheduling with a cohort group, and dedicated staff advisors and peer mentors to ensure excellence in core courses. More About FYrE@ECST
The Successful Transfer and Retention (STAR) program at Cal State LA supports College Futures Foundation's (CFF) work to ensure that more students who reflect California’s diversity will complete a bachelor’s degree. Through the STAR program, we are looking forward to establishing engineering and technology pathways with community colleges and developing a pre-and post-transfer peer mentoring program, thereby enhancing institutional capacity to support transfer student success in STEM fields. More About STAR
ECST Advising Center

ECST practices a split advising model in which advising is carried out by professional staff advisors in the ECST Advising Center (EAC) and by faculty advisors in their departments.
ECST Advising Center provides advising services to prospective, incoming freshman, and second-year students in engineering, computer science, and technology majors. Advisors and peer advisors assist students in developing academic plans based on their career and life goals. Advisors connect students with educational opportunities, student organizations, faculty, and campus resources to enhance their educational experience. For more information, refer to the ECST Advising Center Syllabus.
Preview & Orientation
Discover Cal State LA ECST's robust academic programs, strong connections in Southern California, and vibrant student life! Preview Days give you a taste of what it's like to be a Golden Eagle. Orientation familiarizes you with the College and University and sets you on the path to success from day one. ECST invites all our first-time freshman, transfer, or returning students to join ECST as we "Commit to excellence. Engage in community." We're excited to have you as a part of our ECST family! #WeAreECST Select your event below for details about what to expect and additional information.
College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology
5151 State University Dr., Building E&T
Los Angeles, CA 90032-8150
Phone (323) 343-4500 | Fax (323) 343-4555 | Email