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Selected Recent Publications

Eisen, M. L., Olaguez, A., Ying, R. C., Cedré, G., Cunius, M. K., Dianat, A., & Jones, J. M. (2024). The biasing nature of gang evidence: Inducing memory errors for evidence of past criminal behavior. Psychology, Crime & Law. Advance online publication.

Eisen, M. L., Williams, T., Jones, J., Ying, R. (2022). Variations in the Encoding Conditions Can Affect Eyewitnesses’ Vulnerability to Suggestive Influence. Applied Cognitive Psychology. 36(6).

Eisen, M. L., Ying, R., Swaby, M., & Chui, C. (2022). Comparing Witness Performance in the Field versus the Lab: How Real-World Conditions Affect Eyewitness Decision Making. Law and Human Behavior. 46(3), 175-188. 

Eisen, M. L. Jones, J. J., Ying, R., Williams, T & Ristrom, R. (2022) Misidentifying an Innocent Suspect Can Alter Witness Recollections of the Perpetrator’s Face. Psychology, Crime and Law. Published Online, April, 2022.

Goldfarb, D., Goodman, G. S., Wang, Y., Fisher, R., Vidales, D., Gonzalves, L., Hartment, D., Qin, J.J., Eisen , M. L. (in press). Adults, Memory for a Maltreatment-Related Childhood Experience: Interview Protocols. Clinical Psychological Science. Published online, April 2022.

Eisen, M. L., Goodman, G. S., Deip, J, Lacsamana, M, Ristrom,. L., Qin, J. (2021). Disclosures of Sexual and Physical Abuse Across Repeated Interviews. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. 30(8), 932-352.

Wu, Y., Goodman, G. S., Goldfarb, D., Wang, Y., Vidales, D., Brown, L, Qin, JJ., Eisen, M. L. (2021). Memory Accuracy after 20 Years for Interviews about Child Maltreatment. Child Maltreatment. 7(2), 381-396

Eisen, M. L. Smith, A. M. Bohanon, L., Lacsamana, M. Monarrez, V., & Wall, R. W. (2019). Testing a modified procedure for Conducting Showups with Eyewitnesses. Police Chief Magazine.

Eisen, M. L., Frenda, S., Jones, J. M., Williams, T (2020) How Exposure to Social Media Affects Eyewitness Memory. The Champion

Eisen, M. L., Cedre, G., Williams, T, & Jones. J. M. (2018) Does anyone else look familiar? Influencing identification decisions by asking witnesses to reexamine the lineup. Law and Human Behavior, 42 (4), 306-320

Eisen, M.L., Goodman, G. S., Deip, J, Lacsamana, M, Goldfarb, D., Olami, J, & Quas, J. (2019). Effects of social support on Maltreated and At-Risk Children’s Memory and Suggestibility. The International Journal of Child Maltreatment. 2(2) 55-78.

Goldfarb, D., Goodman, G. S., Larson, R., Eisen, M. L. & Qin, J. (2019). Long-Term Memory in Adults Exposed to Childhood Violence: Remembering Genital Contact Nearly 20 Years Later. Clinical Psychological Science. 7(2) 381-396.

Eisen M. L., Smith, A., Olaguez, A. & Perta-Skeritt, A. (2017). Showups Conducted by Law Enforcement in the Field: Comparing Witness Performance in the Field Versus the Lab. Psychology, Public Policy and the Law. 23(1), 1-22.

Eisen, M. L., Gabbert, F., Ying, R., & Williams, J. (2017). “I Think He Had A Tattoo On His Neck”: How Co-Witness Discussions About A Perpetrator’s Description Can Affect Eyewitness Identification Decisions. Journal of Applied Memory and Cognition. 6(3) 274-282.

Eisen M. L., & Skerrit-Perta, A. Owen, J., Cedre, & Jones, J. (2017). Pre-admonition Suggestion in Live Showups: When witnesses learn the cops believe they caught ‘the’ guy. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 31(5), 520-529.

Goldfarb, D., Goodman, G. S., Larson, R. P., Gonzalez, A., & Eisen, M. L. (2017). Putting children’s memory and suggestibility in their place: An analysis considering person, topic, and context. In H. Otgaar, & M. L. Howe (Eds.), Cambridge: Oxford University Press. Finding the Truth in the Courtroom: Dealing with Deception, Lies, and Memories.

Eisen, M. L. & Dodson, B, & Olaguez., A (2015). How Prejudicial is Gang Evidence? Washington College of Law, Criminal Law Practitioner.

Eisen, M. L. Dodson, B. & Dohi, G. (2014). Probative or Prejudicial: Can Gang Evidence Trump Reasonable Doubt? UCLA Law Review, Discourse

Eisen, M.L., Lorber, B., Perez, C, & Uchishiba, H. (2013). Using an Individual Differences Approach to Examine Two Distinct Types of Suggestibility Effects. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 27(2), 2-11.

Eisen, M. L., Wandrey, L., Drachman, D., Clement, A Groskop, C, and Enoch, R. (2012). Examining the Prejudicial Effects of Gang Evidence on Jurors. Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 13(1).

Chae, Y., Goodman, G. S., Eisen, M. L., and Qin, J. J. (2011). Event memory and suggestibility in abused and neglected children: Trauma-related psychopathology and cognitive functioning. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 110, 520- 538.