Faculty Web Directory

Name Department Email
Yoon, Kelly Department of Marketing kyoon10@calstatela.edu
Yorker, Beatrice School of Nursing, School of Criminal Justice and Criminalistics byorker@calstatela.edu
Young, Angela Department of Management ayoung3@exchange.calstatela.edu
Yu, Holly University Library HYu3@exchange.calstatela.edu
Zelman, Walter Department of Public Health wzelman@exchange.calstatela.edu
Zezima, Zachary Art / Animation zzezima@calstatela.edu
Zhang, Dong Natural & Social Sciences-Dean Dong.Zhang6@calstatela.edu
Zhang, Zhong-Yuan Extended Education Zhong-Yuan.Zhang14@calstatela.edu
Zhao, Guo-Meng Department of Physics and Astronomy gzhao2@exchange.calstatela.edu
Zhou, Dong Department of Mathematics dzhou11@calstatela.edu
Zhou, Lili Division of Curriculum and Instruction lzhou18@calstatela.edu
Zhu, Yuqing Department of Computer Science yuqing.zhu@calstatela.edu
Zupanski, Morgan Theatre Arts and Dance mzupans2@calstatela.edu