OEDI Title IX Training

As part of our commitment to creating and sustaining an educational and working environment free from all forms of sexual misconduct, Cal State LA requires all staff, faculty, and students to complete an annual online Title IX/Sexual Misconduct training. The training aims to educate students, faculty and staff on their rights and responsibilities to address, report and prevent sexual misconduct and foster a safe and respectful environment.

The staff from the Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (OEDI) provide training on a variety of topics, including bystander intervention, consent education, policy and procedure overview, and more on an as-needed basis for campus departments, classes, student organizations, and other groups on campus. To request a training, e-mail OEDI.TitleIX@calstatela.edu or call 323-343-3040.


CSU Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation, Attachment A requires that all new and returning students receive yearly, ongoing training in sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual exploitation, dating and domestic violence, and stalking.

The "Not Anymore" online training modules are provided yearly for all students. For questions about the Title IX online training or related hold, please e-mail conduct@calstatela.edu. The course contains sensitive material involving sexual and interpersonal violence. While warnings and supportive resources are included in the videos, we understand that such programming may be difficult for some viewers. If you are not comfortable taking the course and wish to request an exemption, please contact us at OEDI.TitleIX@calstatela.edu.

All members of fraternities and sororities, some members of clubs, and other identified at-risk student organizations receive training on an annual basis.

Student-athletes receive in-person or via zoom training on an annual basis, too.


CSU Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation, Attachment A requires that all incoming and current employees receive yearly, ongoing training in sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, dating and domestic violence, and stalking. 

All new employees receive in-person or via Zoom two-hour training as part of the New Employee Orientation presented by OEDI.

Annual training for employees is provided through CSU Learn. For information on how to access CSU Learn, please visit ITS training.

Two courses are assigned to employees to assist in meeting the requirements of the policy:

  1. Gender Equity and Title IX is to be completed annually.
  2. CSU's Discrimination Harassment Prevention Program is to be completed every two years.
    1. The non-Supervisor course is one hour.
    2. The Supervisor course is two hours.

Students who are also employed by Cal State LA (i.e., work-study, student assistants) are required to complete BOTH training programs.

All Athletics coaches and staff receive additional training on an annual basis.

Students holding a resident advisor position in Housing also receive in-person training twice per year.

For more information, contact OEDI.TitleIX@calstatela.edu.

Systemwide Title IX Trainings

All materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, Investigators, Hearing Officers, and any person who facilitates an Informal Resolution shall be provided publicly.