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Ask a Librarian

Need research help? Ask a Librarian!

Ask a Librarian is provided to help users become self-sufficient in their research endeavors. The Library provides advice on research with suggestions of possible print or electronic resources, and search strategies. Whenever possible, users will be referred to electronic resources that may provide them with the information requested.

If you are encountering any problem in accessing library electronic resources (databases, ebooks, ejournals, streaming media, etc.) via OneSearch and/or any databases, please report it using this form.

Library staff do not assist with proofreading or writing mechanics nor interpret statistical, legal, or medical information.

Turn-Around Time

Questions will be answered over e-mail by a librarian in the Library or forwarded to a program-related/subject-related individual if needed.

The Library will try to respond within one weekday (24 hours), but response time may vary depending on the nature of the inquiry. Questions received during the weekend will be treated as received on Monday.