Library Policies

Library Policies



Except for service animals, no animals are permitted in the Library. Patrons bringing non-service animals into the building will be asked to leave.

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), service animals are welcomed and permitted in Cal State LA Library buildings. For details on what constitutes a service animal, please see ADA's requirements for service animals and ADA's web page about service animals. Documentation is not required to use a service animal.

Users may be asked to answer the following questions by library staff:

  • Is the animal required because of a disability?
  • What work or task has the animal been trained to perform?

Other animals, including comfort or emotional support animals, are not permitted and users will be asked to take these animals outside. Service animals must be well-behaved or will be asked to leave.


Bicycles, Scooters, Skateboards, and/or Other Recreational Personal Vehicles

These items (aside from mobility aids) must be walked in and throughout the Library. Bicycles may not be brought inside and must be parked outside on any available rack.


Borrowing Items

Loan periods for students (undergraduate and graduate) are for 16 weeks, with up to 2 renewals for a maximum of 48 weeks. Students can renew their materials online through their My Library Account or at the 1st floor Service Desk. For more detailed information, see the Borrowing page.

Course Reserve borrowing periods are determined by the instructor who placed the material on reserve; the default is 2 hours. Fines and fees vary depending on items checked out. Be sure to review your Canvas course page’s Reading List where additional library resources could be linked.


Building Use

The library buildings are open to the campus community and the public during operating business hours. Information about library hours is available online on our Hours page or by calling our main line at 323-343-3988.


Cell Phones

Talking on cell phones is permitted in collaborative study zones in the library. Cell phone conversations are not permitted in quiet or silent areas. Patrons are expected to be respectful of other patrons while using their cell phones.


Code of Conduct

The Library seeks to provide the University community with the best possible environment for research and study. We ask all Library users for cooperation in following our conduct guidelines.

Conduct that disturbs Library users or interferes with Library activities is prohibited. This includes excessive noise (including noise generated by audio equipment and electronic communication devices), verbal abuse, threats of violence, sexual harassment, use of electronic devices or other activities that interfere with the activities of Library staff and patrons. See CA Penal Code sections 415 and 415.5.

The University is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy learning and living environment for students, faculty, and staff. Each member of the campus community should choose behaviors that contribute towards this end. Students are expected to be good citizens and engage in responsible behaviors that reflect well upon their University, to be civil to one another and to others in the campus community, and contribute positively to student and University life. See CCA Standards for Student Conduct.

It is expected that requests for compliance with these rules will be immediately and civilly honored. Depending upon the seriousness of the infraction, refusal to comply with Library policies may result in:

  • A request to leave the building.
  • A police investigation of possible violations of State education, civil or penal codes.
  • A University Code of Student Conduct and Discipline hearing.


Desktop computers are available for use in several areas of the library. Some violations of University and Library regulations on computer usage may result in cancellation of accounts, disciplinary action, and/or legal action (under California Penal Code Section 502).

Examples of unacceptable use include:

  • Viewing material that violates federal, state, or local laws or regulations, including those regarding accessing, viewing, printing, and distributing child pornography.
  • Any use that violates copyrights, patent protections, or license agreements -- including but not limited to unauthorized copying of software, downloading and using pirated software, systematically downloading or printing entire journal issues or volumes or large portions of electronic resources.
  • Attempting to gain unauthorized access to information systems or violate the privacy of others (such as running programs that attempt to calculate or guess passwords, that are designed to trick other users into disclosing their passwords, or intercepting or monitoring network communications that are not intended for you).
  • Tampering with library computers, including attempting to install unauthorized software, disconnecting library computers, or connecting private computers to the library’s network lines.

All electronic access facilitated by University Library is subject to the Cal State LA ITS Security and Guidelines policy. For more computing locations, see Open Access Computer Labs.


Event Spaces

The Cal State LA University Library is committed to creating a welcoming, safe and engaging learning environment that supports the educational mission of Cal State LA. As such, the University Library Community Room is restricted to education-based events, workshops, and meetings that are open to the Cal State LA community and will be publicized on the University Library’s event calendar. The University Library Innovation Hub is restricted to experiential-learning events, workshops, and meetings, or a one-time class lecture. Social gatherings or private meetings that are neither sponsored nor co-sponsored by the Library should be scheduled through the appropriate University office. For more information, see event space guidelines and descriptions. Space requests for private events, meetings, classes, and the like will not be approved.



The Library adopted the American Library Association Code of Ethics on December 11, 1995.



Exhibits, and their associated events, are a valuable part of the University Library's outreach efforts. They should inform, educate, entertain, highlight accomplishments, provide opportunities for the public to view art and artifacts, and/or promote the Library's resources and services. Please see our detailed exhibit guidelines.



Recording video and/or audio, taking photographs, and all other similar activities inside the library requires advance requests through the Office of Strategic Communications and Public Affairs (OSCPA) and University Library administration using the following procedure:

  1. Fill out proper request form with OSCPA
  2. Contact the Library ( with a copy of your request form
  3. Wait for approval from OSCPA
  4. Send approval from OSCPA to Library

Please note that approval from the University does not automatically require approval from the University Library. The University Library's approval will be based on space, schedule, and impact to library users.

For more detailed instructions for how to request permission to film on campus, refer to the Department of TV, Film & Media's guidelines.


Food and Drink

Food and drink items are allowed in the library in most locations.

  • If you have a drink, please make sure it is covered.
  • If you have food with strong odors or loud wrapping/texture, be considerate about whether the smell or noise might be disruptive to those nearby.
  • Wipe up accidents and dispose of your trash and recyclables.
  • Tell a library staff member if there is a spill to ensure damaged items are properly treated.

Food and drink is not permitted in:

  • Special Collections & Archives (Library South, Level 2)
  • Innovation Hub (Library North, Level A)
  • Cubicles/tables with computers or scanners

The Library may approve special events or other exceptions to policy.


Noise/Disruptive Behavior

Conduct that disturbs Library users or interferes with Library activities is prohibited. This includes excessive noise (including noise generated by audio equipment and electronic communication devices), verbal abuse, threats of violence, sexual harassment, use of electronic devices or other activities that interfere with the activities of Library staff and patrons. See California Code of Regulations/Standards for Student Conduct.



Any request for temporary or permanent signs posted inside or outside must be made to a member of Library administration and approved before posting. The Library reserves the right to deny requests based on sign content and will remove signage posted without authorization.



Effective September 1, 2017, smoking is not permitted anywhere on the Cal State LA campus. Please see Smoke Free Cal State LA or the CSU Executive Order outlining the Systemwide Smoke and Tobacco-Free Environment (PDF) for more information.



Commercial solicitation is prohibited in Library facilities without prior written authorization. This includes all activities intended to result in a sale. Please see President's Directive Regarding Use of University Buildings and Grounds.


Study Areas/Zones 

There are study areas located strategically throughout both Library buildings, in designated zones. The three types of zones are:


Quiet conversation allowed, no phone conversations

  • A Level East - Library North
  • 1st Floor - Library North
  • 2nd Floor Center - Library North


Occasional quiet conversation allowed, no phone conversations, headphones at low volume

  • A Level West - Library North
  • B Level - Library North
  • 2nd Floor Perimeter - Library North
  • 3rd Floor - Library North
  • 2nd and 3rd Floor - Bridges


No talking of any kind, no phone conversations (phone on silent mode), headphones at low volume

  • 3rd Floor Library South
  • 4th Floor Library South

Sound may carry from study rooms or through doorways and patrons using these areas may generate some gentle noises (keyboard clicks, pages turning, an occasional cough, etc). Please be patient with these minor interruptions.

Details about individual and group study rooms available for reservation are on the Reserve a Space page.


Unaccompanied Children

The University Library welcomes children if accompanied by a parent or adult caregiver and under appropriate supervision.

  • The safety and security of children are the responsibility of the parent or adult caregiver.
  • Any act of vandalism (including but not limited to cutting, tearing, defacing, or destroying books, periodicals, equipment, furniture or facility) committed by the child is the responsibility of the parent or adult caregiver.
  • Staff may request that a child leave the premises if University Library policies are not followed.
  • If a child wishes to leave the library, the library staff cannot legally detain them.
  • If a child is found unaccompanied in the library during operating hours, at closing time, or in an emergency, staff will immediately notify the Department of Public Safety.
  • Please be aware that our facilities are open to the public, a situation which can present risks to children.

Vandalism/Destruction of Library Property

Destruction of Library materials by marking on or removing pages or other destructive activities toward materials, equipment or facilities are considered acts of vandalism. See Education Code 19910 and 19911. To prevent theft of Library materials, Library users may be asked to present book bags and briefcases for inspection.

Failure to comply with University Library policies can result in penalties up to and including patrons being banned from the University Library.