Scholarships & Stipends


helping students

Help young minds flourish

1. CSU Scholarship Information Page for Teachers

2. Cal State LA’s Math Science and Teacher Initiative (MSTI) Financial Support Information

We are proud to announce several scholarship and stipend opportunities for students pursuing a single subject credential in math or science. MSTI is committed to increasing the number of qualified K-12 math and teachers through financial support.




Yearly fellowships are available for Cal State LA STEM teaching option/credential students who are in pursuit of their single subject STEM credential. 

Amount Up to $8000 over all enrollment years at CSULA





To be eligible for the Cal State LA fellowships, applicants must:

  • be matriculated in one of Cal State LA’s STEM single subject credential program (i.e., admitted to CCOE) or be enrolled in a STEM TEACHING OPTION major
  • Be in good standing scholastically
  • be enrolled in 6+ units per semester

1) Credential students/ fast-track ITEP students/ITEP students are given preferences over traditional teaching majors - who graduate without a credential.

2) Credential students receiving LAUTR financial support are NOT eligible to apply.

3) Students changing major/option to non-teaching track will have to return fellowship amount awarded.




For consideration, students should:

Attend financial workshop offered each semester to apply on-site. Announcement of these workshops will be posted on MSTI website, around the math and NATS dept., and emailed to students in teaching options.
Deadline Semester deadlines are emailed to all teaching option majors.


STEM Teacher and Researcher (STAR) Summer Program Fellowship (max 2)


The STEM Teacher and Researcher (STAR) program is a 9-week paid summer research internship for aspiring K-12 science, engineering, math, and liberal studies educators.  Fellows will gain first-hand experience working in a cutting-edge national lab (NASA, NOAA, NSF, DOE, DOD, USGS) immersing themselves in the culture of science so that they will better understand what it means to be a scientist and a STEM educator. The STAR program aims to produce educators trained in inquiry-based teaching and learning strategies by placing real-world scientists into the classroom. Each STAR fellow will receive housing, relocation cost, and a salary.

Amount TBD, please contact MSTI director at for application information.

To be eligible for the STAR program fellowship, you must:

  • be enrolled in math or science teaching option
  • be at least 18 years old by the start of the program
  • have completed at least junior undergraduate year by the start of the program
  • be a U.S. Citizen, Permanent Resident Alien, or DACA grant holder and
  • be a pre-service aspiring STEM teacher, teacher intern, or a START alumnus
  • have a demonstrated interested in K-12 STEM teaching
  • have a strong record of undergraduate coursework in on or more STEM fields
  • have a minimum 2.7 GPA (3.0 or higher preferred)
  • have a willingness to challenge themselves and the ability to work independently on complex tasks under the guidance of a mentor

For more information, please visit:


Application cycle will be open from October until mid-January.

Please submit application directly to



California Science Teachers Association (CSTA) Annual Meeting Travel Grant (up to $500)

Education conferences provide a great opportunity for students to network with professionals in the field and build relationships with like-minded individuals. Students will be able to attend engaging presentations, participate in hands-on workshops, listen to keynote speakers, and enroll in a number of short courses. MSTI offers a unique opportunity for aspiring math and science teachers to attend the California Science Teacher Association’s Annual meeting held in Sacramento, California by subsidizing students with a $500 travel grant to allay the cost of registration, transportation, and hotel. 

The California State University system has partnered with the California Science Teachers Association (CSTA) to offer pre-service memberships. The cost of pre-service membership is $25 for candidates who are working towards a degree.  Benefits of CSTA membership include discounted registration rate for CSTA conferences, networking opportunities with other science teachers, professional development on NGSS, and discounts at OfficeMax, Monterey Bay Aquarium, and more.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Annual Membership Reimbursement and Travel grant (up to $500)

The CSU system has joined the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), the largest professional organization for mathematics educators in the world, to create a customized CSU teacher candidate community within NCTM that will contain selected information, activities, articles and invitations to webinars for prospective and new teachers. MSTI offers a unique opportunity for aspiring math NCTM Annual meeting by subsidizing students with a $500 travel grant to allay the cost of registration, transportation, and hotel. 

Please use "Contact us" page and submit your question for additional information.