Liu lab Fall 2024

About Us: Our lab is interested in the design and study of advanced functional materials for renewable energy, environmental sustainability, and biomedicine. The types of materials being studied include metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), covalent-organic frameworks, and hybrid materials. Our lab is actively developing novel materials for hydrogen storage, carbon capture, catalysis, solar energy harvesting and conversion, water purification, and drug/gene delivery. In addition, we are interested in studying the structure-property relationship and practical applications of these materials by collaborating with computational scientists, national laboratories, and industry. We believe understanding materials at the molecular level will guide us to design and develop a new generation of advanced functional materials with greater performance for sustainability and human health.


Dreyfus award

10/24/2024 - Dr. Liu wins the 2024 Jean Dreyfus Lectureship Award

Dr. Liu, on behalf of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of Cal State LA, has been awarded the 2024 Jean Dreyfus Lectureship Award! This award will support a two-day lectureship given by a top researcher in Chemistry, Dr. Omar Farha, from Northwestern University. It will also support the summer research of two undergraduate students at Cal State LA!

cc paper

10/24/2024 - Chem Comm Paper accepted!

Our Chem Comm paper was accepted and was published as part of ChemComm's themed collection "Emerging Trends in MOFs"! This project was led and completed by undergraduate students at Cal State LA. Congratulations, Alisa and Doroteo, as co-first authors, and Anna, Edgar, Pavi, and Matthew as coauthors! Read the paper using this link


7/30/2024 - The Liu lab was awarded NSF PREM Award!

In collaboration with professors from Engineering and Chemistry, the Liu lab was awarded an NSF PREM grant! Dr. Liu is a co-PI for NSF PREM Center for Bioinspired and Architectured Materials (CBAM). The PI is Dr. Travis Hu from Mechanical Engineering. This new award will broaden the participation of underrepresented minority students and build the U.S. workforce in materials research with advanced training in strategic areas of science and technology. Congratulations! Read the news release



Undergraduate and Graduate Research Assistants

The Liu Lab is looking for highly motivated undergraduate and Master's students to join our lab working on various projects ranging from renewable energy, carbon capture, catalysis, and drug delivery. Interested students, please email your CV/Resume to Dr. Liu (