College Transition
Use the following links and worksheet to make a successful transition to college.
Send your ACT scores to a college or scholarship.

Send your SAT scores to a college or scholarship.
Get your financial aid PIN.
Apply for scholarships.
College Check List
- Choose College
- Register/Take SAT
- Ask for Letters of Recommendation
- Fill out College Applications
- Essays/Personal Statements/Additional Writing Prompts
- Complete Application Fee Waivers
- Send Official Transcripts and SAT/ACT Scores via Registrars Office
- Contact Colleges to make sure all application materials were received.
- Select and Apply to Scholarships (September  November)
- FAFSA (January)
- Apply for Student Pin
- Apply for Parent Pin
- Collect Parent Income Tax Forms
- Attend FAFSA Orientation
You're Accepted! Now What?
- Confirm your acceptance with college
- Create online profile at your college
- Turn in a copy of your acceptance letter to Upward Bound
- Submit Username and Password of college profile to Upward Bound
- Make sure FAFSA is complete and received at your college
- Submit all outstanding financial aid documents
- Sign up for student support services
- Pay for registration and housing fees
- Choose housing and food plan
- Register for classes
- Take/submit MPT scores
- Accept Financial Aid
- Confirm scholarships will be sent to your college
- Confirm: class schedule, housing (move in date?) text books, class fee