Faculty Web Directory

Name Department Email
Frenda, Steven Psychology sfrenda@calstatela.edu
Fried, Charlene Department of Curriculum & Instruction cfried@exchange.calstatela.edu
Fried Amilivia, Gabriela Department of Sociology and Latin American Studies Program gfrieda@exchange.calstatela.edu
Friedman, Rachel Technology rfriedm6@calstatela.edu
Friend, Colleen School of Social Work cfriend@exchange.calstatela.edu
Fryling, Mitch Mitchell.Fryling2@calstatela.edu
Fuligni, Allison Department of Child & Family Studies afulign@calstatela.edu
Galaz, Bobbie NSS - SSF - Adv. & Retention BGalaz@cslanet.calstatela.edu
Ganas, Perry Physics pganas@calstatela.edu
Ganesan, Nandakumar Department of Information Systems nganesa@exchange.calstatela.edu
Gantioque, Raymund rgantio@calstatela.edu
Garcia, Debra Department of Psychology dgarci11@exchange.calstatela.edu
Garcia, Gilbert Natural & Social Sciences-Dean and Department of Sociology ggarcia6@exchange.calstatela.edu
Garcia, Margaret Department of Special Education & Counseling mgarcia2@exchange.calstatela.edu
Garcia, Olga Department of Chicano Studies Olga.Garcia42@calstatela.edu
Garnet, Dustin Art dustin.garnet@calstatela.edu
Garrison, Jennifer Geography, Geology and the Environment jgarris@calstatela.edu
Garry, Ann Professor Emerita of Philosophy agarry@calstatela.edu
Gaspar, Joanna Student Health Center JGaspar@cslanet.calstatela.edu
Gean, Edmund Department of Computer Science egean@calstatela.edu
Gebhardt, Aaron Extended Education Aaron.Gebhardt2@calstatela.edu
Germano, Michael University Library and Department of Marketing, College of Business and Economics mgerman@exchange.calstatela.edu
Giarrusso, Roseann Department of Sociology rgiarru@exchange.calstatela.edu
Gonzalez, Stephen Department of Kinesiology & Nutritional Science SGonza16@exchange.calstatela.edu
Goode-Castro, Helen Department of Music hgoodec@exchange.calstatela.edu
Goodrich, James D. Department of Child & Family Studies JGoodrich@cslanet.calstatela.edu
Graef, Sara Department of Music sgraef@exchange.calstatela.edu
Gravis, Christopher cgravis@calstatela.edu
Greenberg, Linda Margarita Department of English linda.greenberg@calstatela.edu
Greenburg, Meredith Department of Theatre and Dance mgreenb@exchange.calstatela.edu
Gregorich, David dgregor@calstatela.edu
Grodsky, Renee Department of English rgrodsk2@calstatela.edu
Guo, Huiping Department of Computer Science hpguo@calstatela.edu
Guo, Prof. Jiang Department of Computer Science Jiang.Guo@calstatela.edu
Gupta, Ankit Department of Engineering and Technology agupta26@calstatela.edu
Gutarts, Borislava Department of Mathematics gutarts@exchange.calstatela.edu
Gutierrez, Carlos Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry cgutier@exchange.calstatela.edu
Guzmán, PhD, Bianca Pathway Programs Office bguzman@exchange.calstatela.edu
Hackel, Kristiina Department of TV, Film and Media Studies khackel@exchange.calstatela.edu
Hagiwara, Yoshie Department of Geosciences and Environment Yoshie.Hagiwara@calstatela.edu